Prince Wainewright Battles

FULL NAME┆Prince Wainewright Boakye-Yiadom (Though he goes by Prince Battles—or P.B.)

NICKNAME / S┆[P.B.] By peers within and outside of his social circles... [Clumsy] By his father who always stated that the ground that Prince walks upon is not the ground that everyone else walks upon... [“Yik” from his mother as “Yik” is the spelling of a sound that Prince used to make all the time as a small boy. He used “Yik, yik, yik...” for practically everything...

AGE┆Twenty years of age (or—as he enjoys to claim: twenty-and-three quarters...)

GENDER + PRONOUNS┆Biologically male + self-identifying loosely as genderqueer. Masculine-presenting. He / him / his.

DATE OF BIRTH┆The twenty-second of May. 2000. (He is—forever—angered solely by the fact that he wasn’t birthed in 1999...)

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN┆He is a Gemini(an)—though he emerged into existence on a cusp, the Taurus-Gemini cusp, also known as the Cusp of Energy. On this particular cusp, you feel the influence of both the friendly, sensual Venus and the quick, outgoing Mercury—this combination oftentimes makes individuals born on this cusp quite the socialite. Slow-moving yet quick-witted. Absolute units.

ORIENTATION┆He considers himself a free-ass motherfucker. He acknowledges that he has felt and experienced all sorts of attraction to all sorts of individuals. Though he does not connect with certain terminology such as “pansexual”—he refers to himself as queer or as gay and he calls it a day.

ADDITIONAL┆Mental / physiological disorders include (everything that has been formally diagnosed—excluding everything that hasn’t): Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Psychogenic Pain Disorder / Chronic Pain Syndrome. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. He has recurring episodes of sleepwalking or somnambulism (hereditary) and he will occasionally have a discernible limp in his gait.

APPEARANCE (including eye colour, hair colour, build, and style of clothing)┆His hair is a colour that appears as black but is a dark brown in actuality (and when standing at a certain angle in the sunlight). In terms of style, he maintains a clean signature tapered low fade cut that he, when in need of freshening, does it himself, or visits a relative as a lot of them are involved in cosmetology (and knowledgeable in the care and styling of Afro-textured hair). His eyes are so brown that they occasionally appear black—individuals with this eye colour are viewed / perceived as natural-born leaders: mysterious in their ways, with a confidence unlike others, and with the ability to be highly intuitive.

Throughout the years of his endless pursuit in various fields of the Arts, (often fields that are physically demanding and requiring of a high level of physical prowess) his body has developed in a way to better support his lifestyle and the activities that are required of him in his professions, that consisting of constantly putting on shows, acts, and performances, being knowledgeable and familiar with what his body can and cannot do + how to combat wear and tear, and being skilled enough / physically strong enough to conquer various feats and perfect various positions. So while he is naturally and without intervention thickset, stocky, and “well-upholstered”, he is also (and with training) powerfully built, broad-shouldered, and relatively well-defined, especially in his arms where he often has to carry his own weight and oftentimes has to shoulder others heavier than him, and in his legs, that appear to have been sculpted by a God from above. In short terms, he has a lot of bulk to him. All that aside, in terms of clothing, he dresses for comfort rather than impressing. Heavy and dense clothing specifically—mostly inexpensive, except for the articles of clothing that others purchase for him, which he usually insists others to not spend too much on him as he’ll lose it at some point eventually if he doesn’t store it in a safe place not on his person.

HEIGHT┆Six foot + two inches

WEIGHT┆One hundred and ninety nine


ADDITIONAL┆No tattoos quite yet, but he does have both of his ears pierced, and a hole in his septum where his circular barbells go, usually so small that you have to really look at him to see it there... he has scars everywhere: big and small...!

Many individuals with this type of personality are mistaken for extroverts, but he is most definitely not an extrovert and is prone to emotional burnouts when engaging with large groups of people for long periods of time. Prince, specifically, is a very warm, observant person who especially enjoys (and thrives on) one-on-one conversations as he gets to direct all of his focus onto that one person without distraction from others. He genuinely values what others have to say (the majority of the time) and he loves gaining insight on things through listening and absorbing the perspectives of others. He is emotionally intelligent, especially when it comes to applying that intelligence onto others, as he has a strong sense of empathy. He occasionally falls into the role of a people-pleaser, but usually the second he realizes he’s fallen into that role, he’ll pull himself out of it as when he focuses so much on the happiness of others he tends to forget to care for himself. He often senses and notices things that others miss and he finds himself absorbing the emotions of those surrounding him unconsciously, which is why he usually tries to surround himself with individuals who are calm and centered at nature, and gravitates towards those who are even in temper. He is unable to spend too much time with someone who is angry without absorbing that negative energy and becoming angry himself. Very exhausting.
Despite all and everything, he tends to be private, reserved—… he naturally keeps to himself and that in turn can make it difficult for others to get to know him at deep levels and is to blame for some of his mysteriousness. Some may see him as someone cold or aloof. Aloof, some days, but he is far from cold. He is incapable of being that. (Quiet? Yes. Sensitive? Very. Gentle? So-so.) In fact he often cares too much for people and that makes being cold incredibly difficult. Personality traits associated with him and his personality type include sincere, sympathetic, unassuming, submissive, and patient. He is creative to the bone and hopelessly imaginative (his imagination is where he comes alive), and he is very careful with what he says and how he says things as words are powerful and are capable of being impactful/meaningful as is silence. That makes him a bit slow at responding sometimes—… and he has a habit of answering questions someone has asked him five hours ago. A mildly infuriating habit.

LIKES + DISLIKES (AND HOBBIES)┆He likes and enjoys the following: discussing big, meaningful, and/or existential topics that typically unsettle people, (occasionally) enjoys a heated debate or two, music and nearly everything relating to music (especially jazz), animals, (nearly) anyone who can play saxophone well, nature as he is an outdoorsman, and imagining alternative realities and potential futures. He dislikes the following: people who loosely and casually toss the word influencer around, A1 sauce (it makes him cry), certain brands of sparkling water, his father, Teletubbies (they scare him), and rainstorms. As for hobbies—… he’ll do anything that’ll keep him off of his backside. Mainly things that require him to move extensively. He also dabbles in experimental dance.

HABITS + FEARS (AND / OR PHOBIAS)┆For habits, he has a tendency of answering the questions that others has asked him hours ago. For example—someone may ask him about the whereabouts of a professor, and he’ll know where this specific professor is, but the question won’t process entirely in his mind until three hours later. He has a habit of consuming dairy despite being extremely sensitive to lactose and being incapable of digesting it properly. This habit was fostered by his upbringing, but he does not hand anyone anything with his left hand / left side UNLESS he is purposeful and he is looking to offend / wordlessly insult someone. (Your left side is used to clean and sanitize yourself after using the washroom—your right side is reserved for interacting with others and eating / preparing food) One last habit of his that he shares with quite of bit of people, especially his relatives and friends to his family, is that he is rarely on time to events. This can be frustrating to those who appreciate punctuality, but it is just not within his nature. For fears / phobias—one HUGE fear that he has had since childhood is Teletubbies. He despises those things and if he unexpectedly sees one without preparing himself mentally, it will most likely induce an immediate freakout.

ADDITIONAL┆Very unrelated, but he’d be one of the first individuals to perish if he were in an alternative zombie apocalypse universe. He’d attempt to greet everyone, alive and undead, and he’d probably die trying to save someone from a horde.

MOTHER┆He loves his mother. He adores her. He admires her. He looked to her when he was questioning things——trusted her to answer all of his questions pertaining to the world and to life. She answered them, gladly, and throughout the years, everything was okay. Not great, but okay. She never behaved in the conventional motherly way toward him—so much so that he even questioned whether he was doing something wrong. She noticed very quickly that her son was much different than his peers. She did not, however, force him to assimilate, or to act and put on a show, but she instead encouraged him to be himself. She helped him when he was subjected to bullying. She was like an anchor to him--kept him still, steady, afloat, aware--all while providing a sense of security. Things changed when his mother fell victim to madness and grew ill--it was not necessarily a sudden thing, more like an eventual buildup of occurrences of a slightly questionable nature, but Prince remembers a particular month in which he watched the sense and sanity of his mother gradually disappear. His mother was deemed clinically insane, severe manic-depressive, and that was that. Prince still loves her, of course, but he is only allowed to see her a certain amount of times throughout the year. The closeness he had with her is not the same as it used to be.

FATHER┆He did not like his father nor did he enjoy his presence. At all. Well, at least when he was alive to insert himself into his life--he could never have civilized and easy conversation / discussions, only arguments, quarrels, and general chronic upset that usually sent both of them spiraling through anguished fits. When it was announced that he had died, he didn’t feel much—though he feels guilt toward the fact that he didn’t and doesn’t feel much. He does, however, feel a lot of resentment, toward not only his father but himself. He feels he could’ve at least attempted at a relationship. He feels he should’ve reached good terms with him before it was too late--but he felt an irrational and not-so-irrational hate towards him as he was extremely conservative and an all-around numbskull. He also feels dread, as the manner in which his father perished was very unfortunate, very tragic, and resulted due to his temperament and his involvement with... specific people... (and an at the wrong place at the wrong time situation...)

SIBLINGS┆He has siblings. About seven. He is not close to anyone of them as they are all either deceased or plagued by chronic illness / bedridden. (and / or imprisoned...)



YEAR┆Second year

MAJOR┆He majors in Dance and minors in Jazz Studies

CLUBS + SPORTS┆National Alliance on Mental Illness. LGBTQ+ / Gay-Straight Alliance. Multicultural Student Union. Crime TV Show Enthusiasts Club. Human Right Club.
Track and Field. Gymnastics.


OCCUPATION / S┆He immerses himself in lots of things. Sometimes and if his schedule allows it (and if there is one traveling to the area), he’ll work with circuses as an entertainer / performer, usually working in acrobatics or / and in contortionism. He does a lot of busking in the streets and on the roads—as well—for pocket money. He also works with various dance companies, if his schedule allows for it, usually submerging himself into the world of contemporary ballet-centered practices and performances / shows.

PLACE OF BIRTH┆Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana, Western Africa

NATIONALITY + ETHNICITY┆Ghanaian-born Englishman of African descent / background / British-Ghanaian

KNOWN LANGUAGES┆GSL, ASL, and BSL for visuals (Ghanaian Sign Language—American Sign Language—British Sign Language... though all at varying degrees of fluency)
He is completely fluent in English and he is capable of comprehending it and speaking it fully. He speaks and understands Twi and Ga semi-fluently. He speaks and understands minimal French and French phrases. He also understands a teensy-weensy amount of Dutch and of Afrikaans.


BACKSTORY┆His story begins in the Greater Accra Region, the Accra Metropolitan District, and the Port City, in Ghana, West Africa. He was one of the only semi-functional child within the household and—at the time—the only boy that Afryea Boakye-Yiadom birthed that made it to age five both alive and relatively well / healthy / without complications. Prince had / has, in total, seven siblings: he is second to youngest. The youngest, his sister, was ill at the time and was constantly being transported to various sanatoriums and sickrooms, so he never saw her or had a chance to speak to her——and when he did, it was only for short periods of time. All of his other siblings, older, were all either ill, in hospice, deceased, or imprisoned someplace.

(Addae / Prince’s father believed the entire family to be cursed due to all the continuous misfortune...)
Prince, as a small boy, rarely had the chance to see his present-time father, Addae Boakye-Yiadom, as his father was constantly working several positions all at once. Prince spent his years as a boy not yet plagued by adulthood in tall, hulking trees, in prairies, and in public gardens: stealthily following bumblebees, searching for toads, and dirtying his sneakers in the large muddles of mud and grime distributed about. Prince discovered a home in all the wildlife. Mother Nature welcomed him with wide, loving arms while his biological mother was burdened heavily with chronic grief and anguish. Prince never understood why they were close but never too close, especially as a small boy—he always believed that he was doing something incorrectly, or that something was wrong with him, as his mother only stuck to necessities with him: clothing, shelter, and supper in the evenings, but there was not much love. There was support, yes, but never too much love. He never understood that she didn’t develop too close of a bond with him because she was afraid that the second they were close, she’d immediately lose him to complications from the “curse”. After five is when he begins to move all across the world with his mother: her using the majority of her savings that had accumulated throughout the years—his father and his siblings who were still alive at the time remaining behind. She claimed to have moved for the sake of her well-being (from her husband and life-long partner constantly occupied in hard and heavy labour to the mysterious illnesses and accidents claiming the lives of her children, it was incredibly stressful and she didn’t know how much more she could take remaining there…). Essential to note that they practically have family and friends to the family everywhere, so once they’ve completely run out of money to support themselves, they became full-time freeloaders and at one point dwellers of the roads with large cardboard signs glued to their palms.
When he was six years of age, he moved to the United States (Fort Wayne in Indiana with his grandmother... then to rural towns to live with his Ohioan uncle’s friend, and to other areas / locations, usually into a pre-existing household with people who he has never met who happen to be related to him or somewhat related…) After visiting for a small amount of time in Haiti is when he and his mother finally settled semi-permanently in the U.K. when he was about eight—Birmingham—and this is where he stayed for quite a while. He discovered his passions at about these ages, seven to eight, and that was dance. Music. He was fascinated by it all. From smacking pots and pans together in an attempt to recreate the rhythmic Afrobeats that reached his ears everywhere he went as a small child living in his hometown, to entertaining gangling neighborhood children by twisting into that of a pretzel or walking about on his palms and scaring the locals, he loved it all. He played in ensembles at the schoolhouses he attended, and he attended various dance academies within the area and outside of the area to receive formal training, which was mostly through programs and scholarships to aid gifted children coming from lower-income backgrounds.

(He is in Santorini through a program / scholarship... a musical prodigy, sure...)

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