Media Picks

TV interviews


Media 2

Media 3

STEM athletes

Reham Khairy - Mechanical Engineering

Athletes in science - Rania Sanad BSc. Biotechnology, Maha & Alia Nadeem B Pharmaceutical Science


Impact Academy is fully committed to providing a safe environment to learn. Impact is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young women and vulnerable women.
IA aims to maintain the highest possible standards which meet social, moral and legal obligations to protect and safeguard the welfare of children, young women and vulnerable women (women with disabilities or special needs). IA will provide all staff, permanent and temporary, with training on how to identify potential or suspected abuse and raise awareness of preventative measures to protect IA staff members.
IA will ensure that all staff, permanent and temporary, receive guidance/training in recognising what the different types of abuse are.
All employees have read and understood the IBA Anti Harassment & Safeguarding Policy Handbook.
All employees have read and understood IA Safeguarding Policy 2023/2024.
All employees adopt safeguarding procedures through codes of conduct for learners and staff.
Maintain a register at all times for learners
Work in an open environment with all areas visible to all learners
Remain at coaching area until all participants have been collected or are continuing to be supervised by an appropriate member of staff
Avoid unnecessary physical contact with learners unless to prevent a danger to themselves or others
All first aid treatment to be carried out by a qualified first aider and with another adult present
Avoid unaccompanied time with learners
Avoid suggestive remarks or acting inappropriately familiar with learners
Report potential concerns, allegations of abuse made by learners to the designated safeguard lead
Refrain from inviting or allowing learners to socialise with them outside the learning environment
Refrain from providing personal information to learners
Safeguarding is the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults from physical, emotional or sexual abuse or neglect, particularly those that are unable to protect themselves from abuse or vulnerable adults aged 18 or over who are unable to care for themselves, protect themselves from harm or prevent themselves from being exploited.
PHYSICAL ABUSE – Physical Abuse is deliberate physical harm to an individual, or the wilful and neglectful failure to prevent physical harm or suffering. Types of Physical abuse include but not limited to throwing, shaking, poisoning, burning/scalding, hitting, drowning and suffocating. This includes physical harm caused by a parent or carer wishing to fabricate or induce the symptoms of illness.
EMOTIONAL ABUSE – Emotional Abuse is persistent emotional maltreatment of an individual, leading to severe and adverse effects on the individuals emotional state of mind and development, such examples of emotional abuse; making an individual feel worthless or unloved, inadequate or unvalued. Symptoms may include limitation of learning or prevention of the individual participation in normal social interaction. Emotional abuse can also lead to bullying, making the individual feel frightened, endangerd or lead to exploitation or corruption of the individual. Domestic violence, adult mental issues and parental substance misuse may also expose an individual to Emotional Abuse.
SEXUAL ABUSE – Sexual Abuse involves forcing or enticing a child, young person or vulnerable adult to take part in sexual activities, whether or not they are aware of what is happening, these activities may involve physical contact or non- contact activities (including but not limited to looking at or involving the individual in the production of pornographic material forcing the individual to watch sexual activities, encouraging sexually inappropriate behaviour or making inappropriate sexual remarks).
NEGLECT – Neglect is the persistent failure to meet an individual’s basic physical, emotional and/or psychological needs, which is likely to result in significant harm, types of neglect may include failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, failure to protect the individual from physical harm or danger, failure to provide access to medical care or treatment, or failure to provide adequate supervision.

Unexplained bruising
Repeated injuries
Injuries to the mouth
Torn or bloodstained clothing
Burns or scalds
Inconsistent stories or excuses for injuries
Unexplained changes in behaviour
Difficulty in making friends
Distrustful towards adults
Excessive attachment to adults
Sudden drop in performance
Changes to attendance patterns
Inappropriate behaviour or language
Inappropriate sexual awareness
Any member of IA staff or guest coach can make a referral, please contact either Coach Sally or Ms. Nadra directly. All referrals or concerns will be reported to Coach Sally who will follow internal procedures for reporting the case.
Referral can be made/concerns raised by telephone, in person or in writing. To make a referral you will need to provide:
Any background information and history you are aware of, giving dates/times/events and persons involved.
Why you are concerned/the nature of the concern and evidence that you have or why you believe it to be true.
The earlier a cause for concern/referral is made the easier it is to action and possibly the safer the child is.

Sally Hassona(DSL) 01016614466

STEM school future student Aya

Projects & Partnerships

SAFE ‘STEM Athletes for Empowerment’ Projects

Impact Academy has proudly become a FREE STEM Fund Grantee, and part of the SAFE project is to partner with local organisations. Impact has successfully partnered with Resala STEM a volunteer collective under the bigger umbrella of Resala foundation composed of ex and current STEM school students. The students are led by a young man called Akram Soliman studying engineering at the Egyptian Japanese University however he managed to gather most girls involved with his collective to hold the first STEM mentoring session with Impact Academy called ‘ STEM Talks 1’

Members of Resala STEM shared stories with Impact athletes on how to apply to scholarships, stem schools and universities.

Impact STEM athletes like Reham Khairy and Rania Sanad were present and spoke to the girls about how they managed their boxing with their studies.

This is the first series of talks, the second series will be announced soon.