
Who am I?

Welcome to my page, my name is Fadia and I would love to be your guide, support and cheerleader in your path of Self expansion.

I am a seeker, a dreamer, a free spirit, lover of metaphysics and crystals, tree hugger that would love to assist you unveiling the Truth of who YOU are.

I am trained as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (yup, I am doctor) and as a Professional Certified Coach. I was born an intuitive with the ability to see non physical beings ( I saw dead people lol). I didn’t know how to manage my gifts and would stick my head in the sand and avoid it all. But you can’t avoid yourself, you can’t keep hiding the truth of who you are for the sake of being accepted.

The visions, insights and knowing never went away, I’ve been always fascinated by Astronomy, Metaphysics and history of Civilizations. I studied energy for over 20 years ( and many lifetimes!).

And now the gifts and skills of the Soul give me the compassion, knowledge, clairvoyance, the remembrance and many energy tools to help you as a Medical Intuitive, as a Multidimensional Guide, as Quantum Mechanic, as a Relationship Coach in whatever aspect of your life you need assistance at this moment.

I am a Hathor High Priestess (does it ring the bell for you? Yay!)

Please know that nothing is coincidence and you are here for a reason! Let’s connect!


Sacred Soul Session

In this 90 minute session, I work with the assistance of the Collective of Light, your Higher Self and your guides. I look clairvoyantly at your aura (energy field) multidimensionally and assist you with moving the energy of what may be affecting you physically, etherically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually.

-are you experiencing sudden pain and unusual physical discomfort?
-are you experiencing patterns of energy that you don’t want?
- are you feeling stuck?
- lack of clarity?
- sad , overwhelmed, anxious with or without a reason?
-your relationship with others and/or yourself sucks right now?
- does it look like that s—t just hit the fan for you?
- ascension symptoms kicking full blast?
- need assistance to download and expand your field?

I can help!

This energy session is a very organic process and very effective in providing guidance and transmuting karma, stuck energy, karmic soul contracts. We will look at Akashic records, use sound healing and sometimes language of Light. You will get an expansive view of what’s going on guided by your Higher Self.

** Please note that will last between 70 to 90 minutes for best results you will need more than one session ***

Fee: US$333 (3 sessions package for $888)

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Sacred Romance

In this 90 minute session, I work, with assistance of the Collective of Light, your Higher Self and your guides in transmuting the energy, physical and etheric of past romantic relationships from your energy field.

Every time we are romantically involved with someone, our energy fields connect and we may move on to another relationship and bring the energy of all past lovers. Not to mention their physical and etheric DNA.

You can’t get over an ex?
Are you always attracting the same kind of woman/man?

Do you see patterns in your relationships?

Do you have an ex who can’t let go?

Curious if she/he is a soulmate or twin flame?

Let’s look at your energy field and clear the energies that could be possibly draining you, blocking you from meeting someone, draining your sexual energy, killing your mojo.

Did you know that what can be affecting you right now could be something from a past life?

Regardless of your love life status, you can benefit from looking at your energy field and clearing what’s not serving you anymore.

Let’s clear the way for the sacredness of ❤️

Fee: US $333

Personal Relationship Coaching

I will assist you with 1 hour session where YOU will vent, discuss, brainstorm, learn strategies and tools to improve all relationships in your life. They are usually done in packages of 12 or 24 sessions. Let’s heal what’s keeping you from experiencing the relationship with yourself and others that you are longing.

Just hop on a complimentary discovery call and find out if we are a good fit.

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Mentoring for Expansion

This an intensive 1:1 where we’ll combine all my services and coaching to assist you in your personal energy/spiritual expansion. We’ll work on uncovering and expanding your gifts, activating and downloading. I’ll guide you, assist you and hold the space.

This is a unique and special journey that we need to check in first with our guides and Collective of Light if we are a Soul match and this journey would be in your highest good, my highest good and the highest good of All that IS.

Take your time to check in with your inner guidance and if you are attracted to my energy, contact me , let’s chat and we will be guided from there!

Sobre —

Quem sou eu?

Bem-vindo à minha página, meu nome é Fadia e eu adoraria ser sua mentora, sua apoiadora e sua torcedora no seu caminho de expansão do Eu.

Eu sou curiosa , uma sonhadora, idealista, um viciada em metafísica, um espírito livre, amante de cristais, abraçadora de árvores que gostaria de ajudá-la/lo à revelar a Verdade sobre quem VOCÊ é.

Sou treinado como cirurgião oral e maxilofacial (sim, sou doutora) e tenho Certificado Internacional de Coaching pela ICF. Nasci intuitiva, com a capacidade de ver seres não físicos (via pessoas mortas, risos). Eu não sabia como lidar com minha mediunidade, enfiava minha cabeça na areia e evitava tudo. Mas como você não pode evitar a si mesmo, não pode continuar escondendo a verdade de quem você é só para ser aceito. As percepções nunca desapareceram, eu sempre fui fascinada pela astronomia, metafísica e história das civilizações. Estudei energia por mais de 20 anos (e muitas vidas!).

E agora os dons d’Alma me dão compaixão, conhecimento, clarividência, mediunidade lembranças de vidas passadas e muitas ferramentas para ajudá-la/lo através de sessões de Energia Quântica , como uma Guia de Transformação e como uma Coach de Relacionamento em qualquer aspecto da sua vida que você precise de ajuda neste momento.

Meus serviços

Sessão de Harmonização Energética

Esta é uma sessão de uma hora feita online por Zoom. Eu trabalho com a assistência do Coletivo da Luz, olho a sua aura (campo de energia) multidimensionalmente e ajudo você a mover a energia do que pode estar afetando você fisicamente, etéricamente, emocionalmente ou mentalmente. É um processo muito orgânico e muito eficaz em fornecer orientação e transmutar carma, energia presa no corpo e contratos de alma cármica.
Taxa: R$ 250

Meus serviços

Sessão Virando a Página em Estilo

Esta sessão é de 90 minutos feita online por Zoom. Eu trabalho com a assistência do Coletivo da Luz, transmutando toda a energia, física e etérica dos relacionamentos românticos passados ​​do seu campo de energia.
Você terminou com ele / ela? Ótimo!
Agora vamos limpar toda a energia do seu campo para que você possa seguir em frente com facilidade e graça.
Taxa: R$ 333