I’m Yarelis
I’m a very outgoing woman, I’m a girl mama & a dog mama.
I love to spontaneously travel around the world!
My goal is to have a life full of freedom so that I can spend all of my time with my family, all while doing what I love doing everyday from the comfort of my home or ANYWHERE!
There’s so much more to life than what you’re currently living! I promise! If you have ambition, self motivation, discipline, and drive you will make it further than you ever thought you could!
I’ve created this to educate those who are uneducated. To help those who are willing to learn and are open minded.
If you’ve watched me grow my business & have been interested in changing your life or just want to make an additional income, you’ve come to the right page!!
IF you just want to switch to the best VEGAN beauty products on the market, you’ve come to the right page!