Welcome, I’m so glad you’re here!
I’m a Wife to my best friend, a Mommy who’s Stay at Home Chaos Coordinator of two amazing kids, A Homeschool Teacher, & An Entrepreneur.
I’m a born and raised Califonia Girl, and a proud 80’s baby! I love making people smile and helping them know their worth!
Everyday is truly a gift and especially the opportunity to touch someone’s life in a positive way.
This lady loves a lot of things but I especially love, music, home decor/ event decorating, shopping & COFFEE!
I was in the hospitality industry for 13+ years and the RealEstate/Escrow industry for about 4year. Life took a turn and I became a Mommy and was blessed with the opportunity to raise our amazing littles. About a year and a half ago I took a leap and became a business owner and partnered with the #1 skincare company in North America, Cañada, and recently Japan and more Countries in the near further! I still can’t believe I’m able to raise a family while working from home and having the best skin of my Life!
Let’s chat more....follow my journey