Our Lean & Tone Project is a health, fitness and lifestyle series! It's all about celebrating YOU and loving your body, mind, and soul with nourishing foods, workouts, mindset training and lifestyle advice.

Guarantee: We will do our best to help you achieve your desired result. Give us 100% and we will give you 100% back!

Before this I suffered constipation, had really bad skin & low in energy. I met my coach 9 years ago and was attracted to the solution that she provided which wasn't like any fad diets out there, she focused on balanced nutrition and a healthier lifestyle.

Just by making smarter choices and developing a lifestyle change, everything got better! My bowel movement improved alot, skin got better and energy improved! I then embarked on our body transformation challenge to get next level results, I've gained almost 5kg, looking fitter & toned!

I was someone with completely zero knowledge and experience in nutrition and fitness, in fact I hated workout so much!

I used to skip breakfast, zero workout, eat unhealthy food, supper, fast food, sleep late, alcohol etc, somehow weight was never my issue however I got really unfit, lethargic and feel weak all the time until I developed the belly.

I was stubborn, I thought I didn't need nutrition because I was still so young and skinny. Until I practised 80% nurturing and 20% exercise, I got my results and I've been maintaining it comfortably for past 5 years!

For the past 10 years, I have tried so hard to get abs! I tried keto diet, working out at the gym, skipping meals, nothing worked! Skipping my meals made my digestive system worst and I started to develop bloatedness 😭 My energy was always low, I felt tired no matter how much I slept, 8 or 9 hours! 🤦‍♂️

I discovered the 10 Day Lean + Tone Project! I was curious that I could get in shape in just 10 days! I registered without hesitation and tried because it was only 10 days, why not!

Omg I felt happy because my bloatedness disappeared and I lost a total of 3kg and 4% body fat!

Now I'm energetic for all my daily activities ❤️

I am mother of 2 and business owner in construction industry. My work is always busy and stressful. Also, I need to take care of kids after work. I always felt fatigue, low energy and heart burn. Therefore, I seek for method to lose weight and get healthier. I went for hiking and jogging 3-4 times a week but still can not lose my body fats.

Until I met my coach and I started to learn how to eat healthy and based on 80% of nutrition and 20% of workout, of course with 100% mindset. I manage to lose 5kg and 6% of body fats in 5 weeks from size M down to size XS.

After losing weight I was inspired to challenge myself to be better. So I decided to join 8 Week Body Transformation Challenge. I'm happy with the photoshoot. In my life I have never been so fit before.

I get healthier, happier, more positive and better focus with my work.

I weigh about 45kg when I was in high school. I dealt with eating disorder (which I didn’t understand back then) either eating once a day or after binged then I forced myself to throw up. I didn’t understand how to lose weight or get the body I wanted healthily.

I then ballooned up on the and weighed about 63kg, but I still ate only once a day 😂 But ate like crazy during holidays because I'm a travel influencer, and my way to get back on track was not eating after the holidays.

I tried all form of diet fad like, detox tea, slimming centre to get the body and will be stressed on wanting to look good for all the events and get my confidence.

I finally found my coach, he taught me to eat 5 times a day (what?) and practice 80% nutrition 20% workout. I didn’t understand it at first, but I got my results just by going through the step by step coaching system. I now weigh at 53kg and drop drop 2 dress size and maintained every since! 😍

Being mother of 3 kids, it is an extreme challenge to lose my post pregnancy weight. I have tried many methods since my eldest child was born. Situation turned real bad after 10 months of my 3rd pregnancy. I got super busy, I was always feeling low energy, I lost my confidence being in public as I couldn't fit into many clothes!

My hopeless situation came to and end as I embarked on 10 Day Lean + Tone Project. It was perfect way which I could compliment my busy schedule and with right coaching, support and balanced nutrition.

Within 5 months, I lost 10kg and 8% body fat just by getting my 80% nutrition on the right track. 20% working out was always a challenge for me as a full time working mom. However, through the program, I've learnt my priorities, I started working out as part of lifestyle and a bonding time with my kids.

I strongly believe there are 3 C's in life:
Choices, Chances and Changes

Eat to Fuel your body. Not Feed your Emotion!!! Learning to Eat INTELLIGENTLY is an ART!!! ❤️

I'm a mother of 1, working in the advertising industry and I'm 30 years young this year.

Started off a year ago, I actually struggled with my own body confidence, I actually thought I have to accept the fact that this is me. But deep down I hated my body, I was spreading negative vibes to everyone I was closed to.

I tried many ways to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight for 5 years, spent a huge amount of money to slimming center, signed-up the gym and hired personal trainer, consumed diet pills, intermittent fasting, yoyo diet, you name it I've done it all!

But it's never given me a satisfying result until I got the courage to contact my Coach Benny. I lost a total of 15kgs, reduced 12% of body fats and body age at 20 years young.

Losing weight was my 1st objective, but after going through everything together with all the coaches around me, I was inspired to continue this lifestyle that changed my life, and going out to help more people waking up every day feeling great ☀

Keep the strong will, share your story to people around you, you will never know who needs your help. One at a time ❤

Big is beautiful, embrace my size; This is exactly what I was telling myself when I was piling up my weight. I didn’t love myself neither was I loving what I saw in the mirror. I didn’t expect how my life would change from a decision I made 7 years ago. Big is beautiful but not at the expense of your health!

I have always been battling my weight and self confidence since my early 20s. I have always been a chubby kid and like every girl, I wanted to fit in, look and feel good. Clothes shopping was a hassle for me and the bigger I was, the more expensive they were. I was often mocked by my peers and family for my size and shunned by friends thus leading to myself having very low self-esteem. I started various methods of me losing weight such as Keto, Intermittent fasting, cardio every day, cutting calories, even to the extent of just 1 meal per day. Now no offence here, these methods may have worked for you, but for me, it didn’t! I was battling between staying motivated, consistent, time, and it was draining when every method you try just didn’t work. I gave up countless times and started accepting my size. Little did I know, my self-acceptance led to my health deteriorating. At the age of 24, I had various health related issues and one main reason was my obesity.

It became a necessity to change and I had to do it. I searched high and low and went back to the methods I thought possible to lose my weight but to no avail. I chanced upon the Transformation Program and the community through a online flyer and met up with the coaches. My first impression, “wow! These people are so energetic and CRAZY!”. I have never met a group that is so positive and welcoming, motivating one another. I would usually shy away from workouts because of the “comments” I got but the environment in the community was so inviting and family like.

I was the biggest critic and sceptic because I tried so many methods, but I needed to do something about my self so no doubt I said YES and that was my life changing moment right there. I learnt how to make better decisions on my meals and incorporate my macro and micronutrients through the amazing program, 10 Day Lean + Tone Project. I met so many people with the same mindset and it was so motivating, and I understood that. I just followed the step by step guidance by my coaches and being consistent in multiple seasons, I managed to lose a total of 25kg! 7 years down the road, I am still maintaining my lifestyle and I am still 25kg lighter and looking fabulous! Since my transformation journey, I couldn’t help but share with others how to overcome their struggles and adopt a healthy active lifestyle as well. Forever grateful for the the amazing community and myself for making the change!

I started off my transformation journey for the reason of getting healthier as I always get sick easily.

By just following the program, and listen to the advice from my coach, it's so easy to get back my health and shape up at the same time. I've totally lost 8kg and 8% body fat.

We also paricipated in Body Transformation Challenge last year, and I can't believe that I'm having the best physique of my life now.

Let's go for it guys, you will be surprised how much you can achieve through this support system.

November 2017
I did the 100 burpees challenge for 30days and workout regularly with my gym buddy. Didn't go on diet. Eat watever I like.

December 2017
Continue to workout regularly with my gym buddy Josh and everytime after workout we will go to chicken rice shop and order chicken without rice for myself. So call diet.

In these 2 months I didn't focus on nutrition but just workout like crazy. Eat all kind of food (you name it) and drink. As a result I still can't see my jawline and neck, body out of shape, tummy still there and not losing any weight. This experiment failed big time.

March & April 2018
I started the 8 Weeks Body Transformation Challenge journey. Focus 80% on nutrition and 20% on workout. I can see the huge difference in myself. I lost 6kg and dropped 10% body fat. Best part is I can see my jawline and neck now. Hahaha it has been hiding for very very long time, shy shy ma. Love the end results and I'm happy with the Photoshoot.

My friends usually call me Fei Zai (chubby boy) since I was little kid, and I'm really sick of it. I had tried alot of products and programs to cut my weight, but none of them show very much result.

Then one day I met my coach through insta story, she provided me an amazing environment with alot of people who pursue a healthy life just like me, they gave me the motivation to lose weight.

My coach taught me how to eat healthy, and lose weight correctly. I lost a total of 26kg from 97kg to 71kg, 11% body fat, 5 layers visceral fat, body age 16 years younger! My next goal is shape a better looking body and helping others have the same problem like me.

If you want to lose weight and improve your health, the most important thing is Discipline. No matter how tired you are, be stonger than your excuse. When you're on the way to achieve your goals, you definitely will encounter alot of challenges and distractions. You need to discover you own discipline that suits you and works the best for you, and also learn from others.

I was previously the COO of a KLSE first board listed company.

I decided to change my lifestyle on 31 Dec 2016. I was very determined this time after many attempts. I was 92.7kg. Due to many years of abuse and so-called “entertaining customers” and “in the line of the job”.

I carelessly and gradually developed health issues, to the point of being rejected for an insurance application! I was also a heavy smoker and drinker. I became depressed for a while, but decided to do something about it.

I love my daughters and they became my reason to get fit, after watching a safety video on board a flight. In that video, oxygen masks fell down during emergency air pressure change. Adults are to put on our masks before helping our child.

Epiphany: If we want to take care of our children, we must take care of ourselves first! The journey will get tough, but your reason will propel you forward.

Now, I’ve lost 18kg and my body fat is 15% in 11 months. I have quit smoking after 23 years, cold turkey. I also quit beer and only take alcohol occasionally.

Trust me, it will only get better and easier. You will feel GREAT!

I had no idea in healthy diet or home cooking. Even making a simple smoothie or juice at home was a big challenge.

My body was very tight and stiff, and I've always got cramps even with simple light exercises. 
With the consistency and support through the Transformation Programs, I've has lost a total of 6kg over 6 weeks, and my beer belly started to disappear! Most importantly, eating a balanced meal has become part of my lifestyle.

I then embarked in the next level 8 Weeks Body Transformation Program, part of the motivation was my 2 friends challenged me, if I get 6 packs, they will reward me RM10K each! That makes RM20K!!!

I took that challenge seriously, not because of the money, but to prove my friends I can do it.

Let's not say who they were, they just disappeared when I got my 6 packs (just like how my beer belly disappeared!). 🤣 Now you all know why everyone call me Mr 20K. 😁😂😜

How would you feel if you have to carry 3 bags of 10kg rice 24/7 day and night? That's how much I weighed before...

I started to realize about the importance of health when a close friend passed away at age of 44 due to sickness.

I've been on medication for 2 years for high blood pressure, cholesterol and fatty liver, so I decided to change my lifestyle. 🤔

My best friend helped me to get started on the 10 Day Lean + Tone Project, which helped me lost 5.4kgs and 1.8% body fat just in 10 days!

In 6 months, I've lost 35kgs and 20% body fat, 10 layers of visceral fat and my body age from 68 to 33... 35 years younger 😁

Everything is possible when you change your mindset, it'll change your life!

"I WANT TO LOOK GOOD! " is usually what I hear from people when they want to lose weight. Of course that applies to me as well when I put myself into the Body Transformation Challenge! But I've experienced more than that.

I developed an interest that I didn't know that I'll ever like! Among the other coaches, I'm like the black sheep in the club that never liked workout, NEVER. But the challenge put me in the path to try new things, things get easier, and when I saw some results I get really excited!

Of course I couldn't do that alone but the mini workshops from the BTC really helped me in understanding nutrition in a deeper manner and a little more understanding in muscle groups and posture.

Whenever there's a breakthrough, you create a new benchmark for yourself. From the challenge I created a new benchmark and I know I would fall back BUT not below the new benchmark I set for myself. Strike for progress, not perfection.

Going on another season to step up the game and set a new benchmark. Sometimes you just got to start. Take the first step and another and another, the next thing you know you have walked a mile.

2 years ago is was working as Merchant Sailor. The picture on the left was on December 2017 when I was at my heaviest, 86kg 😂 like a potato right 😂

I wasn’t born fat or been fat all my life. In fact, I was a very active in sports. Thanks to my dad 💕Unfortunately, on July 2015, I was diagnosed with a slip disc due to my job as a seaman in the ship. Hence, the Doctor advised me to stop working or else the chances of getting paralyzed is high. I ignored and I continued working because working in a ship 🚢 was my passion.

Exactly one year passed, I had to quit my job as the pain became severe. Ever since I left ship and came back home, I started putting on so much of weight and literally growing in size because of food & unhealthy lifestyle. Assuming I had a good knowledge in fitness and I was active in sports before, I tried doing workouts and cardio but i didn’t last for even 5minutes. I realized I couldn’t walk, run, jog or play sports as I used to. It was a shameful thing for me. From being an active person, and i became ZERO and I gave up!

I then ignored my health 100% and using my injury as an excuse. I started looking older than my elder brother and some random person would say I looked like a 45 year old man. At that point of time, I was embarrassed of who I have become. That’s when I told my self that I really needed to change and make a difference.

With that mindset, I approached my coach to seek for help. I followed the program he planned and listened to all his advice. By focusing on 80% Nutrition and 20% Workout in 10 Days I lost 3.2kg! I was so happy and impressed of my achievement. I follow up with joining 3 season of Body Transformation Challenge and THERE YOU GO! I LOST 22kg’s IN TOTAL AND 15% of BODY FAT!

Anything is possible! Surround yourselves with positive people, and with the same mindset & goal.







Pei Yee


Anita Lo





Wei Qi




Yee Meng






Dr. Viknesh


Daimler & Qiao Wen

👆🏻 Behind the scenes

👆🏻 How does it work?

I always had confidence issue due to my weight and because of my past profession as a celebrity hairstylist, I suffered health issues and had very bad digestive health.

I started this amazing program, with nutrition + personal coaching, I was able to reduce 25 inches all over my body and 10 kg in 4 months. I've kept it off ever since and never for once had a rebound.

Amazing part is throughout my pregnancy with a balanced nutrition and diet, surprisingly I did not have any cravings or morning sickness at all, the best part is I was full with energy.

After delivery, I was able to lose 17kg that is more than what I gained during pregnancy. I got leaner and fitter! I entered myself a couple rounds of the 8 Weeks Body Transformation Challenge, achieved the best shape of my life and the best part was as a mom, I was amazed I was able to develop my abs line!

I truly believe you are what you eat, you can't out train a bad diet. Good nutrition and workout consistently It so important!!

Remember: 80% nutrition 20 % exercise and 100% positive mindset = 100 % amazing result

I was someone with completely zero knowledge and experience in nutrition and fitness, in fact I hated workout so much!

I used to skip breakfast, zero workout, eat unhealthy food, supper, fast food, sleep late, alcohol etc, somehow weight was never my issue however I got really unfit, lethargic and feel weak all the time until I developed the belly.

I was stubborn, I thought I didn't need nutrition because I was still so young and skinny. Until I practised 80% nurturing and 20% exercise, I got my results & I've been maintaining it comfortably for past 5 years!

In 2016, I could not move and get up from my bed due to the degeneration of my C6 & C7 of my spine causing a lot of pain. I had to stop all my activities for more than a year, I thought I was paralyzed. In 2017, my mom passed away due to cancer and she survived 4.5 years endured all the pain until her last breath.

These incidents were my ringing bells to do something about my health and lose some weight. By chance, I found my coach Hooi Li via IG. I signed up the 10D Lean + Tone Program to learn healthy eating habits and healthy lifestyle. During the 10 days, I felt the change simply just following the meal plans, at the same time many useful information are being shared.

I have been going to the gym and salsa dancing for more than 10 years, workout everyday and skipping meals thinking that I can lose weight to stay slim but none of them worked. My weight has been up and down not being consistent and could not get rid of my belly fats. I felt tired most of the days and fall sick easily. After joining the 2 seasons of 10 days program with positive results, I went ahead with the 8 Weeks Body Transformation Challenge (BTC) to embark my transformation journey. My body fat dropped from 28% to 22%, increase in muscle mass, lost a layer of visceral fat and body age at 23 now!

From this journey, I have learnt eating right and eating smart with the right amount of exercise. I did my medical checkup and for the first time in my life I am cholesterol free with perfect medical report simply because I was taking care of my health with good nutrition and exercise. I only exercise 2 days at the gym for an hour and another day for cardio, focusing on 80% nutrition and 20% workout.

It has been a year now since joining the program and this is my 3rd BTC. Every BTC journey is different and in fact a good self discovery where my health, fitness, strength and stamina has tremendously improved. I have stepped out from my comfort zone, gaining self confidence and feeling positive at the same time inspiring many people around me helping them to reach their goals.

I would like to encourage all of you to take charge of your health. Change starts from YOU.

It took me quite a while to share my story because I’ve never really had the courage to do so... you see, not many people that I know now know that I was a flight attendant for a 5-star airline based in the Middle East. I somehow stop telling people... flight attendants aren’t allowed to gain weight... 😅

After a couple of years in the Middle East, I came home, started a family and was blessed with 3 beautiful children. I was also piling up the pounds from each pregnancy, before I knew it, I was overweight and extremely unfit. I would get tired and miserable all the time juggling work and family. I shied away from friends for a couple of years and dreaded going for any gatherings as I will always be greeted by “Wow, you’ve got ‘healthier’ and (bigger) since the last time we saw you!” Some couldn’t even recognize me... 🤦🏻‍♀

I put on a happy face but I was secretly crumbling inside. At one of the gathering, a friend came up to me and asked me... “Sharon, why have you stop taking care of yourself?” I couldn’t answer... 😔 deep down I knew I’ve got no one to blame but myself. So, I knew I had two options, go back home continue to live my life miserably overweight or pull the trigger on my weight loss and dive in. I jumped and never turned back!

I’m lucky enough to have met the right people, the people that have lifted me up at my toughest time, it’s been a year now and I’ve never felt better in my life! ☺

I've lost a total of 26kg
- Dropped 18% of body fat
- Body age 37 years younger
IMPOSSIBLE only means if you have not found the solution yet, I’ve made it POSSIBLE... 💪🏻

Being at the age of growing with Facebook & Instagram, I always believe that there’s something more we could do than just scrolling and double tap on beautiful pictures.

🍁 On a side note, I am also never a chubby person to begin with and never bother much about what I eat. I played squash and represent for my uni & thought I was pretty healthy and active. Until I step into the adulthood, where u no longer have time to get active in daily basis. I started to grow into a pear shape.

👙 belly & saggy butt started to become a concern to me. I couldnt fit in to the pants that I used to wear 7 months back.. and i get fatigue easily during mid day. most if all, i couldnt perform as good as I was during uni days. I guess aging strikes me 😂 (at the age of 23).

Nonetheless, as I spend most of time on Instagram checking feeds, I came across my coach's account on looking for more coaches & I realize this is something I could do with social media/work from comfort zone. So I decided to ask her about the 10 Day Lean + Tone Project.

Long story short, I took it. I shape up & I lost 2kg and 2% body fat! 🙈

I've successfully shed off 10kg in 4+ months and dropped 4 dress sizes (from XL to S)!

I ❤ the concept of 80% Nutrition + 20% Exercise, as I always believe there's no shortcut to achieve an ideal health. After achieving the ideal numbers, I thereafter embarked on the 8 weeks Body Transformation Challenge to achieve the next level results, to be more fit and toned with abs line!! I'm excited to share the results with all of you here!! Throughout my whole journey it has been a fabulous, fruitful and inspiring!!! 😍😍

"A DREAM doesn't become a REALITY through Magic, it takes Sweat, Determination & Hardwork!" ❤💜💚

"Don't Start a DIET that has an EXPIRATION Date.. Focus on a LIFESTYLE that will last FOREVER!" 💜💛💙💟

Picture on the left was taken in Jan'19 after I had just turned 41. This was at a time when I had been going to gym and I had a personal trainer. For someone who has always loved brisk walking since my 20s, I never thought I could ever become that big. I was even resorting to fad diets which I eventually realised were never sustainable. When I was in my late 30s and early 40s, I noticed my weight was increasing each day and my dress size gone from M to XL and one day I could not even fit into an XL, so I knew I definitely had to do something about it. That's when I came across my coach on Facebook and I got to know her online. She assured me she could make me lose weight even all the way from Perth where she is based.

I was a bit skeptical at first as how she was going to make me achieve this from afar, but through her constant guidance, within 10 months, I lost a total of 20 kgs and my body age transformed from 60 to 24 years old.

Because of my amazing and sustainable results, I started sharing with my friends back home in Hong Kong. Lots of my friends from overseas started seeing the difference and got started on the 10D Lean & Tone Program.

That's how I got started on my journey to become a Coach. There are no words to explain the joy you get in helping more people and paying it forward. I eventually realised that my profession as an accountant and being a finance manager was simply not as fulfilling as helping people transform their lives. I wanted to do something different. In this journey, I can empower more ladies to be fit and show them how easy it is to keep fit no matter their age or circumstances in their lives.

If a program involves you to cut off certain group of foods or excessive fasting for many hours or even having excessive fats. You always got to reflect... Is this sustainable in the long run? If the answer is no for no matter what the reason, that gives you a true indication of whether your results will be long lasting or temporary. Great way to gauge how long your results are going to last. Weight loss/weight maintenance always boils down to being sustainable.

I am mother of 2 and business owner in construction industry. My work is always busy and stressful. Also, I need to take care of kids after work. I always felt fatigue, low energy and heart burn. Therefore, I seek for method to lose weight and get healthier. I went for hiking and jogging 3-4 times a week but still can not lose my body fats.

Until I met my coach and I started to learn how to eat healthy and based on 80% of nutrition and 20% of workout, of course with 100% mindset. I manage to lose 5kg and 6% of body fats in 5 weeks from size M down to size XS.

After losing weight I was inspired to challenge myself to be better. So I decided to join 8 Week Body Transformation Challenge. I'm happy with the photoshoot. In my life I have never been so fit before.

I get healthier, happier, more positive and better focus with my work.

Before this I suffered constipation, had really bad skin & low in energy. I met my coach 9 years ago and was attracted to the solution that she provided which wasn't like any fad diets out there, she focused on balanced nutrition and a healthier lifestyle.

Just by making smarter choices and developing a lifestyle change, everything got better! My bowel movement improved alot, skin got better and energy improved! I then embarked on our body transformation challenge to get next level results, I've gained almost 5kg, looking fitter & toned!

Big is beautiful, embrace my size; This is exactly what I was telling myself when I was piling up my weight. I didn’t love myself neither was I loving what I saw in the mirror. I didn’t expect how my life would change from a decision I made 7 years ago. Big is beautiful but not at the expense of your health!

I have always been battling my weight and self confidence since my early 20s. I have always been a chubby kid and like every girl, I wanted to fit in, look and feel good. Clothes shopping was a hassle for me and the bigger I was, the more expensive they were. I was often mocked by my peers and family for my size and shunned by friends thus leading to myself having very low self-esteem. I started various methods of me losing weight such as Keto, Intermittent fasting, cardio every day, cutting calories, even to the extent of just 1 meal per day. Now no offence here, these methods may have worked for you, but for me, it didn’t! I was battling between staying motivated, consistent, time, and it was draining when every method you try just didn’t work. I gave up countless times and started accepting my size. Little did I know, my self-acceptance led to my health deteriorating. At the age of 24, I had various health related issues and one main reason was my obesity.

It became a necessity to change and I had to do it. I searched high and low and went back to the methods I thought possible to lose my weight but to no avail. I chanced upon the Transformation Program and the community through a online flyer and met up with the coaches. My first impression, “wow! These people are so energetic and CRAZY!”. I have never met a group that is so positive and welcoming, motivating one another. I would usually shy away from workouts because of the “comments” I got but the environment in the community was so inviting and family like.

I was the biggest critic and sceptic because I tried so many methods, but I needed to do something about my self so no doubt I said YES and that was my life changing moment right there. I learnt how to make better decisions on my meals and incorporate my macro and micronutrients through the amazing program, 10 Day Lean + Tone Project. I met so many people with the same mindset and it was so motivating, and I understood that. I just followed the step by step guidance by my coaches and being consistent in multiple seasons, I managed to lose a total of 25kg! 7 years down the road, I am still maintaining my lifestyle and I am still 25kg lighter and looking fabulous! Since my transformation journey, I couldn’t help but share with others how to overcome their struggles and adopt a healthy active lifestyle as well. Forever grateful for the the amazing community and myself for making the change!

I started off my transformation journey for the reason of getting healthier as I always get sick easily.

By just following the program, and listen to the advice from my coach, it's so easy to get back my health and shape up at the same time. I've totally lost 8kg and 8% body fat.

We also paricipated in Body Transformation Challenge last year, and I can't believe that I'm having the best physique of my life now.

Let's go for it guys, you will be surprised how much you can achieve through this support system.

November 2017
I did the 100 burpees challenge for 30days and workout regularly with my gym buddy Josh. Didn't go on diet. Eat watever I like.

December 2017
Continue to workout regularly with my gym buddy Josh and everytime after workout we will go to chicken rice shop and order chicken without rice for myself. So call diet.

In these 2 months I didn't focus on nutrition but just workout like crazy. Eat all kind of food (you name it) and drink. As a result I still can't see my jawline and neck, body out of shape, tummy still there and not losing any weight. This experiment failed big time.

March & April 2018
I started the 8 Weeks Body Transformation Challenge journey. Focus 80% on nutrition and 20% on workout. I can see the huge difference in myself. I lost 6kg and dropped 10% body fat. Best part is I can see my jawline and neck now. Hahaha it has been hiding for very very long time, shy shy ma. Love the end results and I'm happy with the Photoshoot.

For the past 2 years I found an amazing way to manage my food, health and fitness through a regime that is inexpensive, effective and most importantly sustainable.

Before I started, like most of you I used to hit the gym a lot, I did a lot of running, I did all major obstacle races. Yet with all these covered I still felt that I wasn’t getting the best out of my health. I felt tired all the time and had lack of sleep, my bowel movement was erratic.

I have always thought that whatever I ate and put in my body is always justified by the amount of exercises I put in. I was so WRONG. They basic key to staying fit and healthy is balance and nutrition.

I gained all these knowledge through my coaches. They both worked with me tirelessly, trained and enlightened me with knowledge of nutrition, health and fitness. It is through this support system I have gained so much and put into practice until today. Today, I am in the best shape of my life and I can only get better.

It gives me great pleasure to pass it on to people who needs help. Now I share and coach people who yearns for a healthy life.

Remember every life changing moment starts with simple step.

I was previously the COO of a KLSE first board listed company.

I decided to change my lifestyle on 31 Dec 2016. I was very determined this time after many attempts. I was 92.7kg. Due to many years of abuse and so-called “entertaining customers” and “in the line of the job”.

I carelessly and gradually developed health issues, to the point of being rejected for an insurance application! I was also a heavy smoker and drinker. I became depressed for a while, but decided to do something about it.

I love my daughters and they became my reason to get fit, after watching a safety video on board a flight. In that video, oxygen masks fell down during emergency air pressure change. Adults are to put on our masks before helping our child.

Epiphany: If we want to take care of our children, we must take care of ourselves first! The journey will get tough, but your reason will propel you forward.

Now, I’ve lost 18kg and my body fat is 15% in 11 months. I have quit smoking after 23 years, cold turkey. I also quit beer and only take alcohol occasionally.

Trust me, it will only get better and easier. You will feel GREAT!

In my younger years, I've always been a slim guy until I got married and have kids. My wife cooks really well, and as my kids were growing up, I ate a lot of their leftovers. Coupled with stress and an unhealthy lifestyle, like sleeping late and eating heavy snacks, eventually I became a fat dad.

Before the 10 Day Lean + Tone Program, we tried several ways to get back in shape, like ketogenic diet, going to the gym and even hiring a Personal Trainer but those did not work for us.

My wife, eventually did find something that works for her and convinced me to join her. Looking back, that was the best decision I've made in my life!

My weight dropped from 73kg to 62kg, my body fat from 26% to 20% and my visceral fat dropped by 4 layers.

So from a fat dad, I became a fit dad and I feel really great, wearing smaller sized clothing, feeling more energetic and confident, and I still continue this journey aiming to be an even fitter dad. 💯

My friends usually call me Fei Zai (chubby boy) since I was little kid, and I'm really sick of it. I had tried alot of products and programs to cut my weight, but none of them show very much result.

Then one day I met my coach through insta story, she provided me an amazing environment with alot of people who pursue a healthy life just like me, they gave me the motivation to lose weight.

My coach taught me how to eat healthy, and lose weight correctly. I lost a total of 26kg from 97kg to 71kg, 11% body fat, 5 layers visceral fat, body age 16 years younger! My next goal is shape a better looking body and helping others have the same problem like me.

If you want to lose weight and improve your health, the most important thing is Discipline. No matter how tired you are, be stonger than your excuse. When you're on the way to achieve your goals, you definitely will encounter alot of challenges and distractions. You need to discover you own discipline that suits you and works the best for you, and also learn from others.

"I WANT TO LOOK GOOD! " is usually what I hear from people when they want to lose weight. Of course that applies to me as well when I put myself into the Body Transformation Challenge! But I've experienced more than that.

I developed an interest that I didn't know that I'll ever like! Among the other coaches, I'm like the black sheep in the club that never liked workout, NEVER. But the challenge put me in the path to try new things, things get easier, and when I saw some results I get really excited!

Of course I couldn't do that alone but the mini workshops from the BTC really helped me in understanding nutrition in a deeper manner and a little more understanding in muscle groups and posture.

Whenever there's a breakthrough, you create a new benchmark for yourself. From the challenge I created a new benchmark and I know I would fall back BUT not below the new benchmark I set for myself. Strike for progress, not perfection.

Going on another season to step up the game and set a new benchmark. Sometimes you just got to start. Take the first step and another and another, the next thing you know you have walked a mile.

My fitness journey started way back in 2015, I was one of those guys who didn’t really think much about fitness and my only form of exercise was futsal.

I always thought that the only way to lose weight was through cardio. I thank God for a friend of mine named Adam invited me to the gym to workout and I agreed. Long story short, I’m thankful for that phone call that changed my life.

Throughout this journey I managed to tone up every part of my body except my belly. Man that was tough. Belly fat is just a pain. It was until then I was introduced to the Transformation Program by my mum. I was really sceptical at first as like many other people out there due to the “things” we heard. I initially joined the 10 day program to prove that it doesn’t work. I have to say that I was proven wrong instead.

Through my coaches guidance in learning how to eat right topped up with the best nutrition the world has to offer, from the time I started (October 2018) I weighed about 67kg with 19% body fat. I am currently at 62kg with 15% body fat. The fact that I can see abs on my body feels so surreal and at the same time teaching me a life lesson to be open to learn and to throw my ego out of the window.

Every little effort you put in will be rewarded. Progress takes time. Don’t be swayed by instant gratification. I believe in you. But first you must believe in yourself. You got this. Let’s get it! .

2 years ago is was working as Merchant Sailor. The picture on the left was on December 2017 when I was at my heaviest, 86kg 😂 like a potato right 😂

I wasn’t born fat or been fat all my life. In fact, I was a very active in sports. Thanks to my dad 💕Unfortunately, on July 2015, I was diagnosed with a slip disc due to my job as a seaman in the ship. Hence, the Doctor advised me to stop working or else the chances of getting paralyzed is high. I ignored and I continued working because working in a ship 🚢 was my passion.

Exactly one year passed, I had to quit my job as the pain became severe. Ever since I left ship and came back home, I started putting on so much of weight and literally growing in size because of food & unhealthy lifestyle. Assuming I had a good knowledge in fitness and I was active in sports before, I tried doing workouts and cardio but i didn’t last for even 5minutes. I realized I couldn’t walk, run, jog or play sports as I used to. It was a shameful thing for me. From being an active person, and i became ZERO and I gave up!

I then ignored my health 100% and using my injury as an excuse. I started looking older than my elder brother and some random person would say I looked like a 45 year old man. At that point of time, I was embarrassed of who I have become. That’s when I told my self that I really needed to change and make a difference.

With that mindset, I approached my coach to seek for help. I followed the program he planned and listened to all his advice. By focusing on 80% Nutrition and 20% Workout in 10 Days I lost 3.2kg! I was so happy and impressed of my achievement. I follow up with joining 3 season of Body Transformation Challenge and THERE YOU GO! I LOST 22kg’s IN TOTAL AND 15% of BODY FAT!

Anything is possible! Surround yourselves with positive people, and with the same mindset & goal.

I was always underweight weighing around 48kg at the height of 170cm! Yes, you can count the rib cages of mine! Putting on muscle mass was always my goal. I had to give up high cardio workouts and I tried many ways - eat sleep eat sleep eat sleep, but guess what? I put on ONLY 1kg for 1 whole month!! Don't be envious but yeah! I then added workout in my routine, there I was getting stronger in strength but my body size still remained the same.

Finally, I met my coach and she shared with me about what my body really needed. With protein itself, it is not sufficient. I needed a balanced meal which consists of carbs, protein, healthy fats, vitamin and minerals. She noted, it is not how much can you eat, but how well your body absorbs! THAT MADE ME STOP & THINK!! I decided to give a try and stayed consistent. I upgraded my diet plans and also workouts, gained over 15kg of muscle mass throughout the Body Transformation Challenge. My goal now is to become 70kg and participate in men's physique competition one day!!