I’ve read HUNDREDS of books about real estate, sales, psychology, motivation, etc. and these are by far my favorites!
My Top Books for Realtors & Sales People!

Go For No!
My FAVORITE book for new Realtors!! Teaches you how to not be afraid of cold calling, networking, & rejection!
Get it here!
Brain Scripts for Sales Success
Amazing book that teaches you the psychology of sales and how to connect with clients to get them to trust you!
Get it here!
Exactly What to Say
The most helpful book with little changes you can make in your sentences when talking with prospects that give you BIG results!
Get it here!
The Startup Agent
The “Blueprint” for new Realtors!!
Get it here!
How Highly Effective People Speak
Incredible book about communication and how to get people to LISTEN to what you have to say!
Get it here!
Organize Tomorrow Today
Life saving book for organizing yourself and your business!
Get it here!