Hey, I’m Jasmine Stith AKA The Pretty Plug —

Let me tell you about myself!
As THE PRETTY PLUG 🔌, I plug people into opportunities by utilizing my network. MY NETWORK IS YOUR NETWORK. God created people why not use their gifts, services and resources to enhance our success and the kingdom here on earth.
I am a Faith-Based Christian Influencer & Entrepreneur! I’ve been Walking By Faith 🚶🏾♀️on social media since 2015. I quit my Six-Figure Engineering Job on Wall Street to Walk By Faith and lead others in Launching their Gold for the kingdom. I plan to build my “first” million using the gifts and talents God has given me. GOD IS MY CEO!
I founded a business of everything I believe it takes to be successful in the Digital Technology Era. Faith Tech Grow, LLC is the fastest growing digital marketing and advertisement company. We amplify your purpose and mission to the masses using FAITH as the cornerstone to achieve all dreams. TECH in the digital era to help you get seen online to promote your purpose that ultimately helps you GROW your business and your mindset to new levels. We believe you need faith to accomplish everything in life.
Every week I plug you into tools of success by hosting #1 Podcast that brings you motivation, education, and inspiration from faith-based entrepreneurs. THE WALK BY FAITH SHOW 🎤🙏🏽
As your SUCCESS COACH, I push you to the next level. You will no longer be stagnant on your purpose, but learn to LAUNCH YOUR GOLD 🚀 Daily through Christian Entrepreneurship Coaching + Education.
Lastly, I’ve learned a GIVER is never BROKE! I had the pleasure of making six figures by age 23. But having multiple streams of income increased my courage to do so. I’m traded my Wall Street Job in to make seven figures by trading FOREX with the fastest growing online Black Wall Street Organization the world has yet to see! You should join me and creating another stream of income for yourself and your business.
Have a question?
DM ME (I respond) or email 📧 hi@jasminestith.com
Learn more about me on my website