A Short Bio On Jenna Kats

Starting from the beginning

"Art has always been a part of me, from the scribbled tumbleweed-looking creations of my early childhood to sketching the family pets in elementary school, to doodling in the margins of textbooks and notebooks – pretty much anywhere you can put a doodle. I remember my freshman year of high school, my art teacher ran out of things to have me do. I don't have just one style; I enjoy playing with various mediums depending on what I am attempting to create. My creations tend to reflect emotions – everything from despair to joy is apparent in my different pieces of art. I want to feel something when I am painting, and I want you to feel something when you look at one of my pieces. I want to feel like I've lost something in the process of creating it.

How I became Jenna Kats

Events leading up to the launch of my shop

I went through a dark period in late 2022 early 2023 and painting became a way for me to express myself. As a result, I ended up with stacks of canvases scattered throughout my apartment, which I initially gave away to family members and friends. Having recently lost my job of five years due to the impact of Covid, I was facing financial struggles. It was during this time that a family member stated one of my hobbies had to be one I can use to make money. I immediate looked at the stack of canvas' that i was getting ready to take to storage and thought "Why not" Intrigued but not expecting much, I looked into it and set up shop on a e-commerce platform, within 2 hours i made a sell! The uncertainty of not knowing what the future holds is quite daunting, especially for someone like me who typically plans for every possible scenario, and back up plans just incase every scenerio doesn't workout. However, despite everything being stacked adgainst me, I am now leading towards a life I enjoy. I'm taking care of my daughters, laughing at my cats and sharing fragments of myself through my art. Who knows, my store might even achieve remarkable success, enabling me to support my family and other artists who may be struggling to share their creations with the world."

Curious about my custom paintings?

Here is an example of what it would look like if you were to order a one of a kind hand painted custom abstract painting from Jenna Kat's.

My Gallery In Grass

My paintings and I went outside for some much needed sunshine and vitamin D.