Jennifer Reefe The Tapping Expert

I help women over 60 to become free and wonderfully happy

I have been helping people for over 30 years to be the best version of themselves they can be

I have over 34 years experience within the health and wellness field.

If you have ever felt like you lack confidence, are procrastinating, need to find your balance or you would like to feel happy whatever is going on around you then I could help.

Hi I’m Jennifer and I help women over the age of 60 who struggle with frustrations of their past life, a sense of loneliness
and physical aches such as pain, migraines,
depression or high blood pressure.

Reasons you can refer me with confidence:
I have spent years working with women who
carry their past, are emotionally burdened,
and are even facing illnesses.

I’ve have been working with Lauren. When we met she was stuck in front of her tv and stuck in her own head with very negative emotions about socialising.
Now after working with me over the last 3 months I have got her away from her TV
and we have designed certain activities to help her get over her past trauma.

Who do you know who can benefit from speaking to me to help them get over their suffering?

Thats me Jennifer, helping women finally become free and wonderfully happy.