Every one of life’s journey’s have to start somewhere , and here is the start to mine!
A little about me: My favorite color is Pink, my favorite food is ice cream and one of my hobbies is couponing! I have 2 biological children, two adopted children and currently 1 foster. My oldest blessed us with our first grandchild 3 years ago. I have been happily married for 12 years❤️
Where my story begins...18 years ago my first child was born. Everything seemed normal till it wasn’t. She was diagnosed with epilepsy as a newborn and just 5 years later a Type 1 diabetic! The day we were told this I felt like I crashed my car into a brick wall! Wait, what, come again...Type 1 Diabetic. What does this mean....I had to give my 5 year old shots 4 times a day and she had to be on a strict diet. This whole time I was working as a medical assistant for a doctors practice. Then skip ahead a couple years, the condition that felt impossible to manage became a blessing in disguise! She experienced a really low blood sugar and we couldn’t figure out why? Turns out she had a very rare brain tumor and the diabetes was trying to tell us something was wrong. She had to have surgery and at this point she need to be out of school and work for me was just not an option. So I became a stay at home mom not only to my own children but to over 30 foster children over the last 7 years! Once it was safe to return to the workforce I decided to become a bus driver to make ends meet and be able to be on the same schedule as my 5 children. Then we get to 2020 and good old covid. School got let out and out went my job. I had hopes of returning but the risks were to great for my daughter. We decided to keep everyone home. The question became now what do I do? I had searched a lot to try and figure out what to do? I saw a post...do you love coffee? How much would you love to loose weight by doing what you love...drinking coffee? It sparked my interest and I got connected to an amazing person, the light at a dark end of a tunnel, telling me that she can help me be a better person, a healthier person and a better mom and even be able to make a little side money 💰. So I hopped on the ride of my life to a healthier, happier me!