
Hi, I’m Joanna YA Turner!

Hey beautiful human!

So happy that you’ve found me here. 😀

A little about me >>

I’m a truth & freedom seeking, consciousness online entrepreneur, speaker and dog mum! 🐾 I’m totally over the hustle and all about creating a life of FLOW.

I’m into all things health, high-performance, spirituality, magic, sacred visionary medicine, crypto, FX, Tantra, travel, spa days, the beach, painting and of course my puppy Bella.

And for the Astro geeks I’m a Scorpio ☀️, Leo 🌓, and Libra ^^ and a 6/2 Projector in Human Design! 👌

I have been running a successful online coaching business for the last eight years, and still do business mentoring, masterminds, retreats and Akashic Records trainings. In my past life I was a Corporate Chartered Accountant for 13 years. 😳

Due to the recent craziness, and after having to cancel my international retreat, I realised I had to get creative with the way I ran my business and diversify, at the same time I was invited to an opportunity to create an additional business in the online space.

So now I’m working with individuals who want to work from home (or anywhere, I was a digital nomad for four years), and want to break out of the old paradigm business model & create legacy wealth, global impact, whilst raising the vibration together.

My vision is to inspire others that have a burning desire to make a difference, do it in an easy, sustainable way, co-creating at the highest level, for an abundant life of flow, freedom and fulfilment, allowing us to give back to the causes we care about in a Big way.

I work with an amazing group of like minded, driven, spiritual and supportive people who are making a difference while working in becoming the best versions of themselves, through education, mindset and this business opportunity.

Swipe right to follow the steps to find out more.

And if you have any questions just shoot me a message.

Jo x

My YouTube Channel


How to surrender into FLOW