JuicePlus Chewables

FREE for children with an Adult order

It's hard to get the 7-13 servings of fruit & veg into our kids everyday but making sure they get the variety they need is even harder! Children's growing bodies need the nutrition from different fruits & vegetables ~ not the same ones over & over.

Research shows us that adding nutrition from foods that we don't typically eat every day helps to prevent illness & disease.

This is where JuicePlus works so well because it not only bridges the gap but adds the variety in an easy way of what we are missing in our everyday diets.

These soft chewables contain 30 different fruits, vegetables & berries in its tastiest form! Especially popular with children of all ages, these are a valuable addition to their diet.

You can get the fruit & vegetable chewables for FREE with an adult capsule or chewable order. With more than 1.5 million participating families & 20 years of results we can see the impact of this easy micro habit:
• 61% were eating more fruits & vegetables
• 71% were drinking more water
• 71% were consuming less fast food & pop
• 60% were missing fewer days of school

JuicePlus Chewables are the “easy button” on bridging that nutritional gap for your children while helping you to teach your children what healthy eating looks like so that they want to make those better food choices!

I am …

Someone who cares deeply to make a difference!

I’m that friend who will go out of her way to help others feel great about themselves! I love all things fitness, food, family & fun! I’m a passionate mom of two incredible humans who keep me accountable to my core values & beliefs. I’m also great collaborator who thrives on helping others discover their bliss & potential! Oh yeah, and I’m a gardener who enjoys growing food year round in a sustainable way!