Crafts Ministry

Crafts for Christ

Do you feel like living in a Christian bubble? Do you want to learn creative ideas to share the gospel with others?

Hi, I am Josephine! Welcome to Crafts Ministry by Sisters in Ministry Toolbox - a ministry that offers free online ministry and discipleship training workshops for sisters!

Over the years, God has impressed in my heart that we can use God-given interests and creativity to share the good news with others. Sharing the gospel can be fun and enjoyable, and is much easier than we think! There's no better

As a seminary teacher and a former interior designer, I have been burdened by God to equip women to live out their Godly purposes for the past decades. With my current doctoral study at ACTS Seminary in Canada and my MA degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, I am grateful that God combines the solid biblical & theological trainings with my interests in beauty, arts and crafts to equip women to serve effectively at their homes and ministry settings.

In Crafts Ministry, you will learn creative and fun ways to share the good news with others. Whether it's for your next mission trip or the next outreach event at your church, you will be amazed at how fun and effective this tool is. It is my prayer that this tool will ignite your passion to live out the great commission!

Feel free to contact me to run a training workshop for your group or your next outreach event!

The Good News

The gospel is the heart of every Crafts event!

The Gospel Gifts —

Learn to make gifts for evangelism! Email Josephine below!

My Story

My divine journey to Crafts Ministry. (3:29)

Saying "No" to God to Full-Time ministry (18:20)

What does God say about beauty? (2:19)

Where to find identity and your worth? (3:19)

Crafts Ministry Training Videos

What's a typical craft party looks like?

Where to get crafts ideas? How to prepare? (6:59)

How to share the gospel with the 4 symbols? (14:50)

Outreach Events

Email Josephine

Origami Earrings

Origami Earrings Tutorial (11:49)

Tassels Earrings

Tassels Earrings Tutorial (14:33)

Paper Earrings

Paper Earrings Tutorial (19:28)

Training Workshop?

Email Josephine

Sisters in Ministry Toolbox Channel

FREE ONLINE workshops to equip women with biblical, creative and practical ministry skills.

With her current doctral study at ACTS Seminary in Canada and a MA degree from Dallas Theological Seminary focusing on women's ministry, Josephine has equipped ministry leaders and women in various settings and countries in the past decade. She is a FUN and ENGAGING speaker for women's retreats, youth conferences, churches, and training workshops. Her passion is to equip and empower women from different seasons of their lives to live out their Godly potentials. It's her desire to provide ministry leaders and women with holistic, practical, and creative training for self-development and to serve more effectively in their ministry settings.