A persistent person with lot of dreams!

I am a 3rd year college at PHINMA-COC taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education.
A sensitive yet persistent person with lots of dreams to accomplish !
A silent yet fond of writing , sensitive yet determined !



I am fond of writing poems. I made more or less 50 poems so far . Like literally! it serve as my comfort zone and stress reliever . Every time school and personal matter tries to drag me down , I only get my pen and a notebook and I am ready to tell my anxities through it.
Which I believe one of my best asset, bragging aside. For I know not everyone are good at it!

My Alma Mater


I completed my Senior High Shool at PHINMA-COC . Though at first, choosing an academe which will help you not just academically but holistically is quite hard. But one thing is for sure , I MADE A RIGHT CHOICE.
Since Senior High School up until now , I am already at my 3rdy year in College . I couldn't imagine how the school molded me to become a great one. Though I haven't finish schooling yet, but I felt so honored to become part of this enormous institution. Which I would be forever grateful of .


One of my most memorable moment

I know it's not the ending , but atleast I'm getting closer to my dreams .
This was my Senior High School graduation. What makes it memorable for me is that , I graduated with honor. Which made me feel so proud of myself that I DID IT ! And no one can stop me from reaching my dreams !


My foremost inspiration

All the achievements and dreams are not just for my self , but for my family. I've seen their struggles and sacrifices just to send me to school. They became my inspiration to through the thickness of life, and the difficulties in achieving my dreams. I know someday I can paid off all of their sacrifices , i love them more than I love myself. ❤️

What I love about myself

I never been perfect , yet nobody is.
I am weak but I am fearless.
I've been challenged by storms along the ways . Which shed me up of tears . I've been blaming myself hundred of times for doubting my capability .
But what I love about myself is that I am fearless and dedicated.
I never stop accomplishing a particular task until it's done.
I tend to give my best in everything I do.


The stressful tutor

Due to pandemic , school set up has changed. Modules have been distributed to students and instruction are dessiminated in different forms. It's really set up knowing we are not used to it. But we have to be flexible and adaptable with the changes.
Prior to that , I became a tutor to my High School cousins . I teach them during my vacant time . At the same time , doing my modules and other tasks on my study. It's quite stressful yet challenging. It allows me to open my eyes om what it could be like in the real world of teaching. It made me love my course as a matter of fact, despite the struggles i'm encountering .


This was during my first year college demonstration. It was a bit challenging on my part . Yet , I still manage and surpass !

Lesson Plan

I am sharing you my Lesson Plan


Lesson Plan