Coloring tutorial
berychadds cc tut
1. Meitu quality repair
2. B612 butterflies
clarity +10
saturation teal,blue +10
luminosity teal,blue +10
4. prequel exposure +30
highlights -20
contrast -30
shadows +100
saturation +40
skintone +20
tint +10
sharpen +25
clarity +25
aberration +80
blur +25
filter teal +100
effect winter -0
5. colortone
filter coogee
vibrance +2.00
shadows +0.30
6. ultralight clarity +10
hue teal,blue +10
luminosity teal,blue +10
save go back
hue teal,blue,purple +10
luminosity purple +10
save and go back
hue purple,dark blue +10
luminosity purple +10
save and go back do hue pink 3x
saturation pink +10
luminosity pink +10
8. vont do your text!!
she didn’t add 8 but anyways 8. prequel
iris blur and that’s it.