
Energy Healing Opportunity

Welcome to your personal energy healing opportunity! This container was designed for souls to journey towards and step into alignment with their authentic energy signature.

In order to arrive in a space of clarity, True confidence, and the ability to operate from an empowered place, it is necessary to address each one of our energy centers and heal the things that create stagnancy and suffering so we can make space for the expansiveness of our authentic selves to come forward.

Now, more than ever, it is time to deprogram and unlearn the beliefs imposed on you by family, society, and the world; so you are free to exist in unity with your Higher Self, with other humans on this earth, and with everything that is begging you to expand.

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Who this is for
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Who this is for

The Sacred Seeker

❤️‍🔥You were meant for more…
and you know it.

🦄✨This is a humble offering to journey with me to find out…
🤔What the heck else is there?
😏What IS actually possible when I ditch the shit that makes me suffer and embrace the magic that makes me thrive?

You see - we are like sponges 🧽
Whether we realize it or not, we have been absorbing ideas, beliefs, rules, and energy from the world around us since before we were even born. Much of your personality as you know it, isn’t actually YOURS. It is a byproduct of a lifetime of absorbing things from your environment. Let’s release what isn’t yours and find out who your soul is begging you to become, eh? 😉

If you’re reading these words, you’re probably onto the idea that a lot of the things you think you’re supposed to do, not do, say, not say, be, not be… aren’t actually true for you.

Fuck yeah, rebel soul!!! 🔥🔥🔥

You’re ready to do, say, and BE the things that ARE true for you.

This experience is for you if:
🦋you are ready to make peace with the past and embrace the expansiveness of the present moment.
🦚You want to truly dive into creating a balanced internal world in order to have your external reality reflect the true beauty of your unique soul.
🪶You are willing to commit to being witnessed, held, and celebrated as you release traumas, narratives, habits, and attachments that keep you stuck in a perpetual cycle of yearning for a different experience of life.
🕊You know that you are solely responsible for your healing, and you trust that you are capable of surrendering to whatever that path has to offer.
🐎You are willing to receive honest reflections and to be held in the image and likeness of your soul’s true magnificence.
🐍You want to truly understand your inner landscape, peer behind the walls you have built to keep yourself safe, discover the subconscious programs that limit you, and you want more than anything to be led by nothing but your own Divine Truth.
🐉You are tired, frustrated, and done with the feeling of playing it safe and remaining small.

🌹You are ready to awaken to the power that has been within you this whole time.

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Yup… that sounds like me…

& I’m about to G.T.F.Outta here because:

🔮 I’m terrified of what this journey may reveal.
😴 I am so fucking tired that I can’t imagine doing this work right now.
👽I’m worried that my friends and family won’t understand or accept me if I really follow this path.
⌛️I’m just not ready
👆🏼👆🏼👆🏼😬All of the above

Good. Awesome. Great. Wonderful! 💃🏼💃🏼

That is your ego trying to keep you in the same exact place you are in right in this moment. 🤨🛑

The human ego’s job is to keep us in a known, and “safe” environment. It is terrified of your expansion because that means that it doesn’t have as much power over you. It means that you begin to recognize it as a tool, not your true inner voice.

Let me address each one of these fears for you right now, then on tbenwdt page I’ll explain exactly what you can expect from this program.

🙀I’m terrified of what this journey may reveal.
😌It is scary to think about discovering the things that keep you in a perpetual state of suffering, I hear you, and I still feel that way myself. What I have found is that it is even scarier to allow that venom to reside within my energy field because it keeps me away from what I truly want - which in my opinion is a fucking catastrophe. We are all here to live happy, vibrant, and purposeful lives - and sometimes it takes facing tough stuff and healing on an energetic level to make it happen. I am here with you every step of the way… onto the next fear!

🙀I am so fucking tired that I can’t imagine doing this work right now.
😌Holy f. The fatigue that comes along with living out of my soul’s integrity and out of alignment with my truth is debilitating. Pulling on a pair of scrubs to go to a job I didn’t believe in killed me a little bit (a lotta bit). For me, being depressed and feeling fatigued happens when I get really far away from my truth. Pulling on my Sacred Seeker hat almost always lifts me out of that dark place.

🙀I’m worried that my friends and family won’t understand or accept me if I really follow this path.
😌I will say it right now - your relationships will likely change as a result of you doing this work. You will naturally attract more conscious friends, you may distance yourself from those who require you to be someone you’re not, and you may face resistance. But here’s the thing - you will know how to love and accept those shifts. You will be able to finally feel confident in your differing opinions without vilifying the opposing side. As Dr. Suess said - those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter.

🙀I’m just not ready.
😌Ok, what needs to be true in order for you to be ready? What supporting structures must be present in your life for you to be “ready”? Make it happen! Or don’t - this is your journey. If you honestly reflect on the biggest things that have ever happened in your life - did you ever really feel ready? Or is this really about feeling confident in your ability? I will share that I felt “ready” to take care of my first patient without my preceptor when I was a new grad RN... but did I feel confident? Naaaah quite. But I did it anyway. And they lived. And so did I. It is entirely possible that you are ready, you’re just not confident, and that is ok. I see you, I am here with you, and… you’re kind of a badass soo….

🙀🙀🙀All of the above
😌♥️😌Take a deep breath. Relax your shoulders. Remove your tongue from the top of your mouth. Relax your jaw, eyes, sides of your neck. Take another deep breath. It. Is. All. Ok. All of your fears are valid, welcome, and embraced here. Recognizing fears when they come up is a HUGE part of this work!

You’re doing a really great job already ♥️

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What to Expect

On your journey home…

🌹10-weeks of 1:1 guidance and support

🌹One zoom call every week, typically between 1 and 3 hours depending on the content and energetic requirements of that week

🌹One downloadable guide at the beginning of each week. This guide will give you a solid, easily digestible foundation of understanding of each energy center within your body, and will guide you through exploring and processing that energy center in the privacy of your own mind before we meet on Zoom.

🌹One distance reiki healing session per week focused on the particular energy center we are working with. This session occurs after our call so I have a better understanding of how to truly support you.

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Of the magic you’re in for…

Week 1 - Sacred Seeker’s Initiation
A deep dive into the past to uncover what your soul has experienced, the reasons why things are the way they are in this now moment. We will take an honest look at the present to uncover what is and what is not in alignment with your authentic expression. We will take an expansive exploration into the future to uncover what your soul is capable of experiencing without constraint.

Week 2 - Survival
We will ground into the potency of this container while exploring the foundation of your life. Topics such as home, money, community, and vital health will be covered.

Week 3 - Creation
A co-creative journey into the realms of creative expression, sensuality, reproductive health, connection to your body, and your emotional landscape.

Week 4 - Existence
Getting real with your self-esteem, self-image, feelings of worthiness, fears, and impulses.

Week 5 - Connection
Gauging your level to give and receive acceptance, love, gratitude, relationships, and ability to process grief.

Week 6 - Expression
Assessing how you speak to and connect with yourself and others. Your ability to speak your truth and express yourself authentically.

Week 7 - Knowing
Playing with intuition, your stance on neutrality, radical acceptance, and trusting yourself.

Week 8 - Being
Exploring your connection to God (source, universe, goddess, spirit, etc), understanding your personal methods of divine connection, and opening the channel to your higher self.

Week 9 - Reflect + Revisit
Create a sustainable habit modification map based on what has worked for you so far in the program + things you intuitively know will continue to support you.

Week 10 - Completion ceremony. A written and spoken reflection of your incredible expansion throughout this journey. Yours to keep forever ♥️

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Investment Options

One scholarship available, DM to discuss 😇

This program is largely channeled. It is comprised of a slow culmination of divine downloads and guidance. It is something I truly believe can help reduce suffering. If you are interested in this experience, please allow me to serve you. If you know someone who would benefit from this experience, please share it with them.

💸Pricing Options:
$2,497 paid in full
$1,250 paid before 1st week + 5th week
$625 paid before 1st week, 3rd week, 7th week, 9th week
$250 paid before each session

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Thank you!

In immense gratitude for you taking the time to sit with this offering, I have created a guide that is designed to gain clarity on some of your soul’s yearnings and how to satisfy them. Please download it, share it, and enjoy it!