About Me

Business Coach + Quantum Healing

80% of the game is internal ✨
And the other 20% can be in flow state

Katie is a spiritual business and lifestyle coach for the adventurous souls who are ready to become a walking permission slip doing exactly what lights them up - because yes, you really can be all of the things.

She combines the science of the subconscious mind with the application of quantum healing modalities, breath-work and embodiment practices to help you rise to YOUR OWN leadership, healing, and ripple effect.

Because, that passion you have? The world needs it. Big time. And you don’t have to hustle or struggle to get there.

Working with Katie isn’t conventional (because conventional rules and thinking lead to... well, conventional lives). She will take you deep to your essence, to your truth, and hold you in your highest vision (and through the lowest lows).

As an extreme sports athlete and podcast host, she has a unique ability connect you with the abilities and mindset you didn’t know you were capable of. To transform your fear into fuel.

And her top priority is your discovery of YOUR way, via your human design, deeper connection with intuition and guidance, and energetic clearing of whatever has been holding you back mentally and emotionally .

The answers always lie within.

Want to get a handle on that 80% and shift some paradigms while you’re at it?

DM to inquire about private coaching opportunities 🥂