Elevate yourself and your lifestyle

Get the financial education

It all starts with you !

Get 1-on-1 help from me on how to utilize the markets for multiple streams of income and build your online business

Learn how to leverage our experts to invest safely! Plus having your money work for you by using the financial markets!

Create your OWN lifestyle with the freedom to choose your schedule to learn whenever and wherever you want, all online 💻

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My story

This is me

I’m 21 years young and live in California ! And like many people, I started off knowing nothing about the financial markets. Even though I’ve heard the words “stocks” & “investing”, I associated them with things only established businessmen used.

In fact, the financial market peaked my interest when “hype stocks” hit such as AMC, GameStop, etc... I was intrigued about all the fuss from hedge-funds caused by everyday people.

In the midst of Covid it was hard to find a job again. I felt stuck in life. I’ve had numerous jobs before but nothing felt right. Nothing felt like it was for me as if I was running to no finish line.

I started getting picky with my job searches because I wanted to still have time for ME. Wether it was not working weekends or finding a stay at home job. I knew it was possible I just had to find the right thing for the life I want.

That was when I noticed in today’s day and age, it’s anyone game. With sudden realization that an online income is indeed possible and a valuable asset to have... I started a new journey.

I understood that a traditional 9-5 job was no longer suitable for me. I have too many dreams, aspirations, and places to travel that would take the majority of my life to achieve if I continued on the route I was on.

Determined to break free of the “normal” role of society, working long hours with minimal return until I’m 65 and retired. I dived head first into learning the assets of financial education for a passive income.

Now I’m knowledgeable trader in markets I never even knew of such as Forex, Crypto & Binary. Being able to have my money work for me has been such an eye opener, even life changing.

My next step is to project and share my knowledge with others ! Adding more fuel to the fire, I want to help people elevate themselves through my online business by mentoring how to safely trade in these markets.

I have the freedom to create my own schedule and work from anywhere ! If being your own boss sounds like the lifestyle you deserve, this is it !

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