I’m 21 years young and live in California ! And like many people, I started off knowing nothing about the financial markets. Even though I’ve heard the words “stocks” & “investing”, I associated them with things only established businessmen used.
In fact, the financial market peaked my interest when “hype stocks” hit such as AMC, GameStop, etc... I was intrigued about all the fuss from hedge-funds caused by everyday people.
In the midst of Covid it was hard to find a job again. I felt stuck in life. I’ve had numerous jobs before but nothing felt right. Nothing felt like it was for me as if I was running to no finish line.
I started getting picky with my job searches because I wanted to still have time for ME. Wether it was not working weekends or finding a stay at home job. I knew it was possible I just had to find the right thing for the life I want.
That was when I noticed in today’s day and age, it’s anyone game. With sudden realization that an online income is indeed possible and a valuable asset to have... I started a new journey.
I understood that a traditional 9-5 job was no longer suitable for me. I have too many dreams, aspirations, and places to travel that would take the majority of my life to achieve if I continued on the route I was on.
Determined to break free of the “normal” role of society, working long hours with minimal return until I’m 65 and retired. I dived head first into learning the assets of financial education for a passive income.
Now I’m knowledgeable trader in markets I never even knew of such as Forex, Crypto & Binary. Being able to have my money work for me has been such an eye opener, even life changing.
My next step is to project and share my knowledge with others ! Adding more fuel to the fire, I want to help people elevate themselves through my online business by mentoring how to safely trade in these markets.
I have the freedom to create my own schedule and work from anywhere ! If being your own boss sounds like the lifestyle you deserve, this is it !