Welcom my shopee haul 🛍🛍
1. Sendal bentul kaki
2. Set Ringlight Murah
3. Masker Korea 10 ribuan
4. Payung Transparan
5. Remote Kamera hp
6. Boneka BOBA
8. Dress Basic
9. Dress Big Size
11. Kulot Highwaist
12. Sendal Gunung jelly
Hello Welcome to My
Fashion and Style
1. Blouse Wanita
2. Tunik
3. Blouse Big Size
4. Set Gamis Syari
5. Rok Plisket Premium
6. Rok Span Rajut Premium
7. Kulot Rayon
8. Kaos Lengan Panjang Premium
9. Gamis Busui
10. Crop Top Korea
11. Kardigan Rajut
12. Mukena Katun Renda
13. Mukena Amplop 40ribuan
14. Mukena Traveling 2 in 1
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