JFK Friday Night Live Gallery

Here you can find all of our pictures from events and service projects! We hope you enjoy!

What is FNL?
FNL is a community based club that is known for promoting a drug-free lifestyle. We also advocate for good mental health, protecting the environment, and an overall healthier lifestyle, while creating youth leaders! We are responsible for many events, including Red Ribbon Week, Kick Butts Day, the Orange County Heart Walk, and Earth Day. We also advocate for good mental health, protecting the environment, and an overall healthier lifestyle! Our club offers the opportunity to gain service hours, and helps us connect with our community.

Be Involved in FNL!

Want to see your pictures in the gallery!?!

Learn about service projects and events through our emails (you can get them by filling out the form linked above) and our Instagram account @khsfnl!


Check out some of our events from the 2021-2022 school year! View albums by clicking on the picture for most events.


Club Rush

August 25-26 - Club Rush is where various clubs have the chance to recruit members on campus.


Suicide Prevention PSA

October 1 - FNL members educate others within the community on statistics regarding suicide and how to help prevent it for Suicide Prevention month.


Red Ribbon Week Prep

October - Key Club and FNL partnered to prepare the campus for the annual Red Ribbon Week to advocate against drug use by making posters and decorations.


Red Ribbon Week Door Decorating Contest

October - Students decorated their second period door with the theme Red Ribbon Week (Anti-drugs) that were later voted on to win a pizza prize.


Red Ribbon Week Stage Activities

October 25-29 - One of our Red Ribbon Week activities was the daily stage activities where students participated in games at lunch on the stage.


Red Ribbon Week Dressup Days

October 25-29 - One of our Red Ribbon Week activities was the daily dressup days where the whole school could get involved by dressing up.



December 25 - FNL members educate others within the community on statistics regarding HIV and AIDS for HIV and AIDS month.


Through the Juul

February 23 - Through the Juul was a campus wide spirit day where students wore black or grey to advocate for the transition of the world's billion adult smokers away from combustible cigars and eliminate their use!


General Meeting

March 18 - At this general meeting, we announced the third quarter Officer and Member of the Quarter as well as the 22-23 Executive Board.


Peer Pressure PSA

March 30 - As a part of our Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) project, FNL members educate others within the community on the adverse effects of negative peer pressure.


Smoking & Nicotine PSA

March 30 - As a part of our Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) project, FNL members educate others within the community on why smoking is bad for you.


Beach Cleanup (w/ Environmental Club)

April 10 - FNL partnered with Environmental Club for their Alcohol and other Drugs project to show how many AOD related items are disposed of incorrectly.


Beach Cleanup Recap Video

April 10 - As a part of our Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) project, FNL partnered up with Environmental Club members to visually depict how alcohol and other vaping products may be seen in common areas like the beach. As our members beautified the beach, we were able to find large amounts of trash and drug-related products.



April 23 - Steam-A-Palooza is an annual AUHSD event where different clubs and organizations can showcase themselves at booths.


La Palma Festival of Nations

April 30 - At this event, we had a booth to engage the community in our message at the Festival of Nations.


Check out some of our events from the 2020-2021 school year! View albums by clicking on the picture for most events.


Mental Health Service Project

June 12-18, 2020 - This week, we did activities to promote positive mental health


Mindfulness Service Project

June 26- July 2, 2020 - This week we are working on becoming mindful and aware of themselves and those around them.


Kindness Service Project

June 12-18, 2020 - This week, we did activities to promote positive mental health


Self Love Service Project

July 24 - 30, 2020 - This week, we did activities to promote self love.


Virtual Learner Service Project

August 8 - 13, 2020 - This week, we did activities to prepare members for virtual learning.


Body Positivity Service Project

August 28-30, 2020 - This weekend, members work on having a positive body image and encouraging our friends to stay positive as well.


Suicide Prevention Service Project

September 11-17, 2020 - This week, we did activities to stay positive.


Free Rice Service Project

September 25-27, 2020 - Free Rice is a quiz game, created by WHO (World Health Organization) that donates rice to families in need. It can be played at freerice.com


Among Us General Meeting/Social

OCTOBER 9, 2020 - We played the game Among Us as a way for members to bond with each other. This game involves mysteries and solving which made us communicate and it brought us all together as one. FNL makes us an amazing family and so much more


Cultural Appreciation Service Project

October 9 - 15, 2020 - This week, we did activities to share and appreciate other cultures.


Charity Miles Service Project

October 23-26 - Members used the app Charity Miles to exercise while helping fundraiser for the Susan G. Komen Organization.


Red Ribbon Week

During the month of October we continue to represent our amazing pledge to live drug free . We wear many amazing things to show that we are fighting, scaring and always saying no to drugs. Such as wearing red, college gear to show we are too smart to start and mix match socks to sock it to drugs. We raise awareness of living a drug-free life with our amazing actions and words.


Wacky Wednesday Moustache Contest

We had two amazing wacky mustache contests throughout November both on 11/4 and also 11/18. The event involving the growing of mustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as cancer and so much more.



November 20-22 - We did an UNICEF Math week to help raise money for children worldwide who cannot receive the education they deserve. we sent a link for students and FNL members to earn $25 on the app. For every $25 they earn 0.5 hours. While they help earn money for the children worldwide they earn hours :


Meme Contest

Participants and members of FNL will have to create the best meme to advocate for a drug- free life and the harmful effects of drugs. Best one won a Starbucks gift card : )


Thankfulness week🧡

November 26 - With the amazing thanksgiving we had, we asked our peers to tell and show us what they are thankful for. We gather around with the people we love, to be thankful for what we have, for the family we love, the friends we cherish, and for the blessings that will come.


Christmas Cards for Kaiser

We asked students and members of FNL to create digital Christmas cards to send the to Nurses working at a Kaiser Hospital in Irvine


Meditation Service Week

January 22-28 - We did a Meditation Service Week to remember students that our mind and brain needs a break then and there to breath and stay calm : )


Self Empowerment Week/Meeting

Our activity for February 5 was to ask students to write a letter for their future self. Reading a letter in the future can push you and help you succeed into doing the dreams we have.


Bean Bean Bean Service Week

The FNL group created this service week activity called the Bean Bean Bean, It is a game that every student plays, and when every question they get correct. The game beans will be donated to fight against hunger.


St. Patrick's Day Service Event

March 19 - 25, 2021 - Members participate in service projects relating to St. Patrick's Day and the color Green.


Gartic Phone General Meeting Activity

April 30 - Members play Gartic Phone at the general meeting to bond with each other.