Do it while you’re yung so u have an excuse
Fashion | creative | Feminist ~well being
Hey ! I’m Kilah (KIE-LUH) Lovee
My real name is Mikalah (Mih- KIE-LUH) Kilah love is my alter ego. Mikalah is the shy, unconfident ego. In 2016 I got tired of having those insecurities stop me from reaching my full potentia; that’s when Kilah lovee was born.
**Kilah Lovee is the most confident ,out going curious, bold, ambitious person you will meet. This alter ego allows me to show my versatility w. No shame.~There’s a issue tho. Mikalah always seems to creep in occasionally. Which I had to learn to understand is fine and normal. ~
One day I’ll be really into art, music and fashion- and the next passionate about politics and science.
I enjoy nature, but HATE spiders. I enjoy the summer but am disappointed when I can’t wear my leather pants and puffer coats.
Life isn’t always peaches and cream with these 2 egos competing against each other.
I wanted to bring you along the journey so that you can get an insider on what life is like with these too! The good and the bad 🔥 the crazy spontaneous and chill and calm. I want you to see it all!
So what do you say? You up for the ride?!
“ Be somebody that your 65 y.o self can reminisce about” 💕🤟🏾