Tell the world what you’re made of
Hello! I’m Deja Guice. I hope all is well while your reading this! Now, let’s get down to it and get to know me a little. I’m a freelance social media manager that is working her way up to one day have Kimimila Socials become a full agency. I am provide services for POC small and big business, POC creatives and influencers.
Choosing this field was a big step for me because I’ve always known what I wanted to do but didn’t have the courage too. Sometimes we all need that push and love along the way. I am a big believer in being honest, real, and true to yourself. With that being said I want to see POC’s thrive in this world we live and and spread the love and work ethic I have planned for you.
Im twenty three years old, I’m a dog mom to yorkie who has a personality and attitude out of this world, I enjoy reading, lifestyle, traveling, making content on all platforms. Most importantly enjoy my time with family and self care fore myself.