KineticK Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy and Manual Therapy

Independent HCPC MCSP Physiotherapist based in Bridgwater at EMpower.


You may be thinking while seeing my content on Instagram or hearing about my services, is Physiotherapy for me?

Well, if you are in long term or acute pain/have an injury or joint condition then the likely answer is yes 100% physio is for you!

Physiotherapy helps
with a range of Injuries and conditions which affect movement and
physical ability.

As a registered physiotherapist I can assess and diagnose a wide variety of joint, muscle, tendon and ligament Injuries and also diagnose and help you manage joint conditions such as osteoarthritis. I can also assess and treat pre and post orthopaedic surgical patients.

My Physiotherapy practice includes education, assessment, advice and personalised exercise prescription. I may then use some manual techniques such as Cupping and Sports Massage to manage your symptoms and provide relief of pain and stiffness short term.

I am am also very passionate about strength and conditioning, I can write programmes to go along side training to help build physical resilience and reduce the risk of injury.

I also offer sports massage only!
Sports Massage / Manual Therapy is a great tool to help reduce pain and restore movement. There is lots of evidence to suggest that it helps with increase joint range of movement, flexibility and relieve pain. Not only does it help you physically but also helps you relax and destress.

If you’d like to kick that joint pain in the butt, get super strong and resilient to injury, or would like to relieve stiffness and pain with a deep tissue sports massage then get yourself booked in with me at EMpower In Bridgwater!

My prices can be found below and on my Instagram page @kinetick_physio. You’ll also find helpful hints on my page on all things physio!