How I healed my gut and kicked all my meds

Everyone has been asking me how I healed my gut and got off my meds. You know how UC and Chrones is such a hard disease to get a handle on. Many people go months or years without relief. I want to share with you how I healed my gut and returned to normal. I will preface this by saying I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice this is simply my experience.

Quick history, I had been having gut issues for about 2 years before finally addressing them and getting diagnosed with mild-moderate Ulcerative Colitis in May of 2021. I was put on Enteocort and Pentasa which seemed to slightly reduce symptoms until July where they worsened likely due to extreme stress as my father was diagnosed with terminal colon cancer, he had previously been in remission. I was reassessed and it was determined to be moderate - severe it was recommended I move to a biologic and in the interim put on Prednisone, pentasa and suppositories.

My Uncle had had severe life threatening Chrones but has been in remission and on no medication, I later added his protocol to mine.

The Journey: as can be expected I was tired, fatigued could barely get out of bed on some days and in a lot of pain and discomfort accompanied with frequent urgent bathroom trips.

The first thing I started with was Brān, it's a nootropic and it helped me with my motivation, energy, brain fog, and allowed me to go to the gym (9 Round because it's only 30 minutes and that's how long I could go without having incident) which further helped my health

I also used immunical for 2 months on and off, I didn't keep it in my protocol however, I do think it likely helped but I don't think it was key.

I then introduced Zlēm which helped with my sleep, which helps your body repair - complete disclaimer I wouldn't recommend this off the hop because it can make your symptoms worse if you have urgency and diarrhea. For me it was worth it because I didn't know it was making my actual symptoms worse, but for the sleep I got I don't think I'd change what I did.

Next I added Uüth it has collagen which helps with gut health as well as ingredients like tumeric, tart cherry and other anti-inflammatory ingredients.

I also used digestive enzymes (prescription because they were less expensive that way) when I got that too full feeling though it rarely happens now

I also introduced 10000 IU of vit D, Vit C, and Zinc - highly highly recommend vit D

An Apple a day - seriously - at first I couldn't tolerate the skins so a sliced and cooked them slightly with skins removed until my gut improved and then I ate them raw with skins. Granny Smith are the best health wise but I like honey crisp or ambrosia best.

Finally the knock out, was Core AO which is the less expensive but takes a little longer version of Xango - which is the product my Uncle used and uses to achieve and maintain remission.

I'll touch quickly on diet which was recommended by my GI nutritionist. Throw everything you know about nutrition out the window, especially when in a flare. Meats especially lean meats are best, avoid high fat meats like sausage and bacon. No raw veggies at all, you can see if cooked are tolerated but I had to remove them completely from my diet. Nuts are not your friend whole, but nut butter especially walnut in small qty is beneficial. Avoid seeds and whole grains, the more processed the better in this case ie. White bread, white rice, pasta etc. (Some will recommend cutting dairy and wheat, I cut my dairy but had to increase my wheat intake) fiber is not your friend, but soluble fiber like oats might work for you. Initially I avoided fruits with skins like blueberry but worked my way up to them. Juicing is a good way to keep the benefits of your fruits and keep the fiber out.

I have linked everything suggested below, full disclosure I am an affiliate for some of these products because it helped make them more affordable for me to use, and allowed me to spend more time sharing them and helping others, everything I list I use and has helped me get off all my meds and have completely normal BM with no blood or mucus.

How I cope with my ADHD, naturally

Everyone has been asking me how I keep my energy up to run multiple businesses, and mom fulltime, I want to share with you how I overcame chronic insomnia, ADHD, chronic pain and agoraphobia . I will preface this by saying I am not a medical professional and this is not medical advice this is simply my experience.

Quick history, I was involved in a car accident in 2016 while 3 months pregnant, which left me with a bugled disc in my back, PTSD, post concussion which all led to agoraphobia.

The Journey: as can be expected I was tired, fatigued could barely get out of bed on some days and in a lot of pain and discomfort, loss of motivation, depression, anxiety.. I started withdrawing socially and almost lost my business. I was in pain daily, and it kicked my ADHD brain fog, forgetfulness, mood swings and more into over drive.

The first thing I started with was Brān, it's a nootropic and it helped me with my motivation, energy, brain fog, and allowed me to go to the gym at 6:30 in the morning

I then introduced Zlēm which helped with my sleep, I dreamed for the first time in years. And able to wake up feeling refreshed.

Next I added Uüth it has collagen which helps with gut health as well as ingredients like tumeric, tart cherry and other anti-inflammatory ingredients. A lot of health is in the gut and taking care of it is important for your mental health.

I also introduced 10000 IU of vit D, Vit C, and Zinc - highly highly recommend vit D

An Apple a day - seriously

BCAA's this has a protein in it found in meat and help with Brian function because we chronically don't eat properly this helps a lot with mood.

Health diet, which the Brān helped a lot with being able to plan, as well as stay better on top of household chores and getting those tasks done that were always avoided. I even finally went to the doctor and got my UC diagnosed and treated.

I have linked everything suggested below, full disclosure I am an affiliate for some of these products because it helped make them more affordable for me to use, and allowed me to spend more time sharing them and helping others, everything I list I use and has helped me get off all my meds for UC. These can supplement ADHD medication and do not stop taking those with out talking to your doctor.


Brān (Brain)

This was the first product that helped me with the motivation to get assessed and follow through with motivation it also helped with my pain even though I still had physical symptoms


Zlēm (Rhymes with dream)

Helped with sleep and rejuvenation, however not recommended if you're in a active or severe flare


Uüth (youth)

This is a one two punch for gut health and inflammation


Vitamin D

This is 2500 which is better than 1000 as you only need 4 as opposed to 10 capsules


Vitamin C

This is a little pricey, and would be one to use a less expensive version but this is the form which is best absorbed


Core AO

This is the more cost effective version of Xango formulated by the same person as the original this is a power form that you drink in 12 oz of water it takes longer than the regular Xango but great if you're on a budget