You’re not in high school anymore, your worth is not defined by the number that you see on the scale.
How many times have you stepped on it and let that number define how you feel about yourself? If you’re anything like me, too many times to count!
THE TRUTH: the scale doesn’t tell the whole story and we are now older & wiser and know the other measurements that are more important.
Here’s what the scale doesn’t measure:
✨ The inches you’ve lost from your waist, hips, or thighs.
✨ The muscle you’ve gained that’s making you stronger and more energized - remember muscle brings weight, but it's good weight!
✨ How much better your clothes fit and how confident you feel wearing them.
✨ The progress you’ve made in sticking to healthy habits, like eating more protein or moving daily.
✨ The incredible mental and physical energy you’ve gained.
The scale can only show one small piece of the puzzle. In reality, your health is about so much more than a number. It’s about how you feel, your energy, your strength, and your ability to show up for the things that matter most in your life.
For 2025, I’m learning to celebrate the wins that don’t show up on the scale:
💪 Feeling stronger in my workouts and healthier overall
🥗 Making choices that nourish my body
👗 Feeling comfortable and confident in my favorite clothes
If you’ve been frustrated by what the scale says, I challenge you to look for the other victories that show your progress. Because trust me, those wins are where the real transformation happens.
At MAKE Wellness, we know the scale can be a tough place to focus. But here's the truth: lasting health is about so much more than a number. It's about how you feel, your energy, and the confidence you carry every day.
That's why we created products like LEAN, FIT and HYDRATED to help you build strength, support your metabolism, and feel amazing in your own skin.
Our goal is to empower you to focus on feeling healthy and vibrant, not just what the scale says.
Let's shift the focus to the big picture, because you are so much more than a number!
For now on, I step on the scale to see my gains - muscle, bone mass, body water, etc.