About Me

welcome to my world

For the longest time, I’ve been wanting to use my platform for something more than just posting selfies. I want to express myself by showcasing my creative interests, and by using my voice to highlight important issues that mean a lot to me such as mental health, social advocacy, and personal interests. I essentially wanted to create my own website where I can share my thoughts in a simplistic, yet authentic way.

Overall, I want to create an inclusive community where people can ask me about anything, from netflix recommendations to advice about life. So, feel free to reach out and connect! This website is just as much for you as it is for me. :)

How to Be a Productive Social Activist in 2020 - BLM Movement

do more. do better.

With everything going on in the world and in the country right now, countless people are fearful, outraged, and filled with grief. It’s uplifting to see my Instagram feed and Twitter timeline being flooded with useful information, peaceful protests, and petition/donation links as a response intended to promote change and fight for justice.
However, I’ve noticed some people struggling to engage in progressive advocacy that is consistently productive. Participating in performative activism and shifting the focus to criticizing people for not being active on social media are just some of the things that can impede progress during the Black Lives Matter movement. Here are 5 things that you can do to help you ignite productivity and effective change.

1. Check yourself.

Change starts from within yourself and your own community. If you are truly dedicated to change, stop using the n-word and other microaggressions. You don’t sound “cool”, you won’t look more attractive to girls or guys, and your friends won’t respect you more for using it. You do not get to unlock a new privilege to speak the vernacular just by having black friends or hearing it in a song. Don’t justify it by saying your black friend gave you the “ok” to use it, because one person does not speak for an entire race. It just makes you look stupid and ignorant, and definitely part of the problem.

2. Avoid performative activism.

Posting on social media is a great way to spread awareness and show your support for the movement. However, jumping on trends like the whole “tag 10 friends who you know won’t break the blm chain” or “post a black square for blackout Tuesday” is doing nothing to educate or bring about any type of change or justice to the whole issue. If you’re going to tag people, don’t tag your friends who you know are already aware and on-board with being anti-racist. Tag those who are NOT, and call them out on their ignorance. Posting a black square on your feed is also performative and unproductive, because in times like these, people need to amplify their voices, not encourage silence. Share educational information, as well as links to donations and petitions instead of a solid black square. Performative activism is surface-level advocacy and basically makes you seem like you are temporarily joining in to look good. Do more than tagging your friends in a chain and posting a black square for a day.

3. Stop attacking your friends/followers for not posting as much as you’d like them to.

While this is a time when people should be using their voices and social media platforms more than ever, I have definitely noticed that some of my friends and followers are not posting that much. However, many people find retweeting and resharing the same posts to be unproductive, and would much rather do work behind the scenes. It’s possible that people who don’t seem to be very active on social media may already have attended many protests, signed petitions, donated money to bail funds, and had conversations with family members behind closed doors. Check in with your friends who you see aren’t being very active on their socials instead of indirectly attacking them through your subtweets. If they haven’t done the work on their own, figure out why and ask them to help. No one should be subjected to criticism for failing to publicly announce their actions and efforts.

4. Have uncomfortable conversations with the people who need them most.

Discussions about the current events with your friends are great and easy, but in order to truly bring about change, you must also have conversations with people who are not on the same page, and who are not actively supporting the right side of history. Family members and distant relatives hold on to outdated views and prejudices, and will challenge or dismiss the facts you bring to the table. They might claim to know more than you just because they have lived longer, but this is obviously not true, and having these uncomfortable discussions is crucial to change their views. If you’re unsure how to effectively communicate with your family members, there are many posts and threads on social media that can guide you to help you have these necessary, meaningful, and productive conversations. (Refer to link below for a helpful resource I found). Don’t let the people closest to you be a part of the problem.

5. Keep the momentum going.

Timelines are starting to get back to normal, but that does not mean that the issue does not exist anymore. Don’t let things get back to normal yet. Keep educating, signing, donating, protesting, and keep pushing for change. Many people are reluctant to attend protests out of fear of being tear gassed or assaulted, or out of worry of contracting coronavirus (the pandemic still exists!). These are completely valid excuses. However, if you don’t want to protest, donate. If you can’t afford to donate, sign petitions. Share links, information, have conversations, and educate. Also, integrate black owned businesses into your everyday life to directly support the community. Make efforts to go beyond simply resharing a post or retweeting a comment. Keep doing ALL that you can, relentlessly. Black Lives Matter isn’t a moment; it’s a movement.

fun facts and favorites

get to know me

If you know me, you know that I love making lists and make one for literally every occasion, so here’s a list of a few basic facts about me:

F U N F A C T S ~
Age: 23
Astrology signs: Libra sun, Cancer moon, and Leo rising
Current fav movie: Rocky aur Rani
Current fav song: Home to Another One - Madison Beer
Fav TV shows: ATLA, TVD, Gossip Girl, Gilmore Girls, Merlin

the world through my lens —

a virtual gallery of some of my favorite photos i’ve taken and edited

me, myself, and i

sometimes i like to be in front of the camera instead of behind it. here’s a collection of some pics of yours truly :)

marketing/design  —

Recently joined 3D Confectionery as the Marketing Manager! I’ve been taking photos/videos of the prints and making edits for the Instagram and Facebook stories/posts. Future brand collabs will be featured as well.

Wanted to put a little twist on the conventional way of editing ;)

Why Racial Inequality is a Prevalent Public Health Crisis

by: krupa patel


(I do not own this image, no copywright infringement intended)

For the Avatar: The Last Airbender Fans