
Not everything made with sugar is sweet

Name: Kang Seulgi
English name(preferred): Atlas de Castil
Spanish name: Sol de Castil
Birthday: 02/10/1997
Age: 24
Zodiac: Aquarius
Weight: 45kg
Height: 163cm
SNS: @sweetmoon
Occupation: Patissier at Happiness & Delight
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Hometown: Ansan, Seoul, South Korea
Languages: Korean, English, Spanish
Family: Adopted by an English mother and a Spanish father.
Affiliations: Galician clans/La Castaña-DeCastil Branch
Hair color: Red, black, brown
Eye color: Brown
Home: An apartment in downtown Mystique(3 bedrooms, 2 baths)
Vehicle: 2021 Audi RS Q8/Color: Daytona Gray Pearl

The Details

It’s about the small details

Skin Details:
Tattoos: Red Sun on the back of her shoulder, her birth year tattooed on the back of her ear.

Birthmark: She has a birthmark on her lower back that is shaped like a star. It’s one of the reasons she believes in astrology so deeply.

Piercings: She has triple lobe piercings on each of her ears and a daith piercing on her right ear.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Coffee(mostly iced mochas), soft blankets, warm nights, astrology, baking(even if it’s mostly done through stress), walks at night, street food, and comfy clothing, loves fruit(except for bananas), bubble tea, horror movies, oversized shirts, pasta, paella, homemade sangria.

Dislike: Bananas, passive aggressiveness, hairless animals, liars, people who are too serious, people who think they are above others, country music, lingerie, smoothie bowls, unseasoned foods, most vegetables.

Kinks & Things

Top kinks: Degradation, mild humiliation, bdsm, spankings, being manhandled, anything but vanilla sex, overstimulation, edging

Aquarius Star | Aries Moon | Aquarius Rising

Personality Type: ENTP

Atlas is a woman known for her interesting mind and her aloof nature. Though to many, her aloof nature seems like a facade to cover her quick wits and sharp mind. Most people do not understand her at first but as they get to know her they get to see a side that she hides from the world. While she does listen to people, she finds herself zoning out and thinking of something else as they may be talking, when she does this, she simply grins at the other person to let them think that she’s still listening.

Atlas is easily stressed and thus to be able to combat her stress, she turns to stress baking. Making multiple sweets and desserts out of the safety of her three bedroom apartment. She finds that her desserts are one of the things on her mind the most, she loves to mix flavors and see what kind of savory treat she can create. She’s known for her rich cakes with interesting designs, she even holds classes from a local community space, teaching others to make their own delicious treats. Sometimes she even holds personal classes to those who want one on one time.

When alone, Atlas finds herself sketching, sometimes these random drawings end up on one of her desserts. One of her well known cakes, the moon cake, was made after Atlas sketched the moon and was curious to see how it would look on a cake. Little did she know that people would be coming to the bakery to order multiple flavors of this cake just to get the design. She quickly found herself tiring of making same thing and discontinued the cake. She now takes commissions instead, making sure that no two of her cakes look exactly the same.

In romance, Atlas likes to be...free. Instead of being held down by someone(other than in the bedroom), she likes to be free with them, she likes having distance but at the same time having that assurance that the person will love her regardless. If she’s in a mood, her significant other can tell immediately because she quickly becomes clingy, not wanting to leave the others side for even a moment. She will pout, beg and even throw a tantrum if she’s left alone when she feels bad. She may seem high maintenance but she tries not to be.

She is a very unpredictable person, she thinks that life always needs surprises otherwise it can quickly get boring. She’s known to take spontaneous trips or simply take a walk in the city to see what kind of new spots may be open.

Being a patissier has given Atlas many opportunities, she is known by the high society in the city, usually catering for their events. She’s become known in the media for the creations and takes it all with a grain of salt. She hates being in the spotlight, she wants a simple life, a life where she can go walking down the street and not have someone trying to set up an order with her. While she tries her best to be kind to everyone, when people to are too insistent, she will shut off her emotions and simply issue them a rejection.

She is known to be quite the talker, especially when she is nervous, her word vomit will simply pour out of her and it usually shocks the people who have just met her.

Her looks are usually a complete opposite to the way she truly is.


A story

Scene I:
Seulgi, Atlas, and Sol were one in the same. All names given to a girl who lived her life full of different origins, from South Korea to England to Spain. At the age of 2, Seulgi had been adopted by Julio de Castil and Illyana Martin,a couple who had more secrets than what the eye could see. To Seulgi, they were really nice people who doted on her in the orphanage. When the announcement came that the couple would be taking Seulgi to her new home, she thought that she was just going to go to another home with a bunch of kids, similar to the one she had just been in. Sadly, they noticed that none of the children had said goodbye to Seulgi, letting them know that the little girl with the teddy bear in her arms was probably all alone. Illyana, as Seulgi now knows as Mami, picked her up and didn’t let the younger girl go until they were in the comfort of their home.

Many things had confused Seulgi. Why did that woman abandon her, why did her father abandon her? Didn’t he dote on her? So how could he have easily left her at the doors of an orphanage before running off? So many questions ran through her mind as a child, it caused a frozen heart. A heart filled with loneliness, grudges, and distrust. But these are the kinds of things and feelings that you don’t let overtake you. Seulgi was a victim to these feelings, but she knew that it would always be a fight to make sure that these feelings didn’t drown her.

Scene II:
When Seulgi arrived in Spain, there had been more people than she expected. Men dressed in black suits surrounded them as they were being escorted into the home. The place she would call home for years: The DeCastil estate in Malaga. It was a Mediterranean home, full of life at all times, cousins and family members running about the estate, her father constantly in meetings in the house. Seulgi found herself in the gardens more times than not, the soft breeze of the warm wind making her feel happier than she had ever felt before. Somehow this estate made the world feel so much better.
After her first few years in Spain, her parents had enrolled her in homeschooling, the teacher coming to the house on the weekdays making sure that she had the best education that money could buy. Money, another thing that Seulgi didn’t need to worry about. Seulgi...the name that her birth parents had given her but the name that haunted her. She asked her mami why she was named Seulgi and not something similar to her family or her mother. Instead of answering the question her mother had just smiled and said Atlas, Seulgi had been confused when she heard it for the first time. Wasn’t an Atlas just a group of maps? But her mother gave her a different meaning, “Not a group of maps, mija. More like the Titan who discovered the stars and created the celestial sphere. Everytime you look up at the stars, I want you to think of yourself. My Atlas.”

Scene III:
A phone call came one day and somehow Atlas had been left alone with only the guards in the house, not that she minded, without thinking, she answered the call. A deep voice came from the other side of the line, “Hello, is a Kang Seulgi there?” The mistake. Atlas had replied and told the unknown person that she was Seulgi. “Seulgi-ah?! It’s your father. I’ve missed you!” Atlas was shaking, she dropped the phone in a panic, slowly backing away from it. Why was he calling? How did he know who to call? A scream ripped through the house, Atlas hadn’t known who it came from but all she wanted was to get away. The room was suddenly swarmed with guards and she didn’t know what was happening. Her mother rushed through the house and told the guards to back away from Atlas. She quickly noted the phone and told the guards to get any information on whoever was on the phone. Atlas had tucked in on herself, her hands covering her ears as she tried to get his voice out of her head. That was the past, why was the past coming after her?

Scene IV:
After the incident, Atlas’ father began her training, she was going to be trained later but it seemed that Seulgi’s sperm donor was trying to find her, for what reason, she didn’t know but if he found her she wanted to make sure that he couldn’t hurt her and that no one else could either. It started with simple archery, her father had been surprised by the precision and focus that she displayed and so he moved onto shooting and sword fighting. Did he think that sword fighting was necessary? Yes, it helped her develop fast reflexes to attacks but funny enough, even with her increasing abilities, she was still clumsy.
Nothing was adding up, how did he specifically manage to get to the phone nearest to her? How did he know where she would be at the time? Someone she thought that this may have been even more dangerous than she anticipated. He wanted her and he wasn't going to let her go freely, but why did he want her? She didn’t ask to be left at an orphanage, he left her there, breaking any ounce of trust that was ever there.
Then came the news, Atlas’ younger sister...the girl who had come after her but before the death of her biological mom. It seemed like Atlas’ family was full of holes, simply a sinking ship, but her real father, her padre, had eyes everywhere and he had found out that Atlas’ little sister had almost been sold off as a slave in the underground. Her father held his head in his office, it seemed that the Kang men had no qualms getting rid of what did not fit in their plans. Luckily, one of the DeCastil men who had been tailing the family had saved her before she was shipped off to god only knows where. Her name was Haseul, Kang Haseul. Without notifying Atlas about anything that was happening, he had placed her in a safe place where she could live her life out with an alias. All that mattered was that Haseul and Atlas were okay.

Scene V: The present.
Atlas was living a secret life, she knew this but it was better to be Atlas. Sure she used Seulgi while she was working but no one would look for a Seulgi who was working as a patisserie. Atlas was trying to live as normally as she could while hiding her identity. If that meant having a person on the inside watching for her father and brother getting too close, then so be it. But she could admit that at the age of 24, she was tired. But it was better to be tired than to have to be afraid and sold off on the market. She knew he was looking for her, most likely to get more money or maybe something more. Atlas knew he wanted her for his own personal gain and she would do everything in her power to keep him away, even if it meant his death.
At the end of the day, it would be him or her. And she would always choose herself. Afterall, she was Atlas DeCastil.

Looking for...
PM me if you’re looking for connections with me!

Best friend

After meeting each other through their time in Málaga, Spain, Seulgi and Taemin became great friends. After losing connection for a while they reconnected in the city, and it’s been history ever since.

Younger Sister

Atlas’s younger sister 3-5 years younger. Biological sister who got away from her abusive biological dad and brother after almost being sold. Somehow found her and asks her for help.