Hey, Hey!

Find out who are you & do it on purpose.

Hey, I am Kylee but you can call me, Ky. 💫

In a nutshell;

I am a faith-based leader,
Disability Service Provider,
Proud Dog Aunt to Duke,
Loud, unapologetic, & here to motivate the little baddie in you.

I am known for my advice & love for donuts.

I basically started listening to God & only God and my life seemed to fall into place. Can you relate?

Let's be real

Did someone say LESS STRESS?

Pandemic 2020 and I watched the disabled population experience the most stress.

As a Behavior Therapist & full-time caregiver I understand the value and importance of opportunity and time management, LESS stress please. As I watched their opportunties quickly disappear, Miss Confident was born. Miss C is a weekly group that provides women with DD & ID the opportunity to flourish & showcase their abilitites to the world while being themselves.

But I didn't stop there..

Stress is real for everyone.

We all need help.

As an eating disorder survivor my body and mind know a thing or two about stress. I realized, I am a blessed one. For having the ability to track, manage, and organize to prevent extreme fatigue and burn-out. Feeling overwhelmed and at a loss for effective stress management? There is someone out there that can help you organize, hi, that's me!

Wellness doesn’t have to be hard, it shouldn’t be difficult. It should be as easy as your morning coffee & it can be. Do me one favor, close your eyes and imagine your highest self, who is she? What is she doing? Who is she helping? How does she feel?