About Ladi_Presh
Made of 🌙 dust!
Hey, my name is Dianna.
A mother of three beautiful girls who are my motivation to life! Blessed to have been raised by an entrepreneur single mother who raised three of us. What more example do I need right? I’ve suffered from postpartum depression twice (2015 & 2019), mild depression (2017-2021) and anxiety, I decided to start my own business @ loveselfglow when I decided to leave antidepressants to take care of my oldest who was going through a similar situation. My goal is to elevate women in confidence. Our journey started over a year ago and it’s the best thing that could have happened to us as a family. When will you start yours?
I keep myself busy with my business and also with building a community for women to empower themselves @ trupowher (in progress…)
As a volunteer, I work with NAMI and their project AMEN to spread mental health awareness. I’m also employed full-time and my #1 job is a mother 24/7.
If you have gotten this far, Gracias. Thank you. Let’s network! 😊
Female Networking event coming in 2023 🙌🏽