Stop being afraid of what could go wrong,
And start being excited about what could go right. -Tony Robbins
Hey There!
My name is Lara and I am so glad that you’ve found your way to this page!
This Is all about my Thrive journey, and my quest to become a better and healthier version of me every day.
I have been Thriving since December if 2021, and it has completely changed my life. I have Fully stopped vaping, I am more energetic, I’m happier, and I’m managing my weight in a way that I’ve never before been able to. As someone who has struggled with this my whole life and someone who also is on a journey with PCOS this has been so incredibly helpful to me. Most importantly though, I FEEL GOOD. And while that might seem like a weird thing to say I never knew just how good I could feel until I started Thriving. And YOU can feel this good too!