I'm on YouTube

I talk about immersion & self-compassionate approaches to language learning over on YouTube.

may minimmersion vlog

Yiddish vlog #3

unique language learning bujo spreads

break out of the quitting & restarting cycle

change your mindset toward streaks

my japanese learning journey

1.5 hour study with me | 25/5 pomodoro with chatty breaks

improve your listening skills through transcribing

how to make a sentence mining database in notion

minimmersion survival guide

two days of japanese immersion vlog

secret language challenge reveal

immersion learning: my first six japanese video games

japanese fiction book haul


🌿 I'm Julianne & I'm self-learning Japanese

Self-compassion. Moderation. Sustainability.

These are the things I focus on to keep my language learning journey a positive part of my lifestyle. Having a history of negative self-talk and a damaging idea of "self-discipline" left me in a vicious cycle of starting and quitting things, never making progress that was meaningful to me.

I wanted to enjoy life while working a full-time job, but I also wanted to learn Japanese. I had to make my time spent learning Japanese fun and sustainable, changing my mindset to be kinder to myself. That's why I focus a lot on learning through immersion, and otherwise doing whatever the fuck I want without comparing myself to others.

I don't have all the answers for how to do anything - nobody does. Everybody's language learning journey is so personal and there is no one size that fits all. I hope by sharing my own personal journey, though, maybe I can help people who can relate to me in some ways.


Be sure to look out for our #minimmersion weekend events every other month to give yourself a mini language retreat in the comfort of your own home. Want more virtual events, target language content, or language learning discussion? Be sure to check out our discord!