There's A Dog At The Door

Les Hodge

i was diagnosed one year ago 

following a disturbance

bipolar they said

it was the polis picked me up 

they brought me in this time as well

both times to strathmore psychiatric hospital

nurses telling me to breathe

just breathe they’re going

a bag over my mouth

but it’s not working

nothing will

not till the anti-psychotics kick in 

and drag me back down to earth

my folks visit me

rootle and walter visit

my uncle fortune visits

the doctors know my medication inside out

but they know fuck all about my life

where and how i live or what i do

that i’m married to marilyn

that i was kicking a ball about for a living before all this

i’ll soon be out of hospital 

my second stay in a year at an end

and apart from a few outpatients appointments

i’ll be dealing with the second part of this illness alone

the heebies are already on their way

no question

cos with bipolar as the saying goes

what goes up must come down

External link

Psychodiddies in

'truth or dare'


a kick about

Psychodiddies in what a day

Mack said that the cows would be embedded in the roof with the Scottish slate removed to make room but kept for future repairs if and when needed.
She added that the cattle are expected to generate enough power to run the pub at a time when electricity bills are soaring.
Not to worry, more to the point I first met the princess in January 84 at a gymkhana in the grounds of Balmoral. As I remember there was still snow on the ground and we'd been told to store some of it in 3 large sacks to be used to chill the evening cocktail glasses. Anyway I digress. Annie came thumping over on her steed with brother Andi close behind her. M'lady's face was reddened by the cold so I offered her one of my sacks to warm her up.
'Ooh, she shrieked, 'Look Andi how exciting I've got a bag off'
And with those words how we all laughed and she leapt from her horse and began singing and dancing to the most wonderful of melodies. There was no resisting it - myself old Tam and the others were allowed to join M'lady in the festivities in a day I can never forget.