Be Insured|Assured
A daughter first then a sister to five amazing siblings, a wife to a loving husband & a mother to an affectionate son. I am all about family, cooking, traveling, shopping, dining. I enjoy coffee sessions so I am always up for one anytime.
I am passionate about helping women to take charge of their future through a simplified and straightforward manner. My purpose is helping you to Be Insured against Critical Illness, Save, Invest and be Financially Protected! Having a peace of mind for the benefit of your loved ones.
I also share my knowledge in Asset Distribution - Estate Planning. Nominations, Trust, Will, Hibah & Nuzriah and Faraidh; so that women are aware and protected when unforeseen circumstances happens.
I believe in rizq, gratitude & living in abundance and that my sense of fulfilment in life is by helping others without expecting anything in return. My mission is to reach out to 200 women a year through various platforms & collaborations and I hope you can be part of my journey. Insyaallah...