

200hr Vinyasa & Rocket yoga Instructor.

With 10 years of practice and teaching since 2020.

Liberty is a strong believer that you don’t adapt to yoga, yoga is adapted to you. Liberty brings a wide variety of yoga styles to your mat. Chose anything from Rocket, Power, Sculpt or Vinyasa yoga.

• Austin Tx
• English and Spanish

Check my offerings

Get to know me

I was born and raised in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. When I was 19 I started traveling around the world. I’ve lived in Mexico, Canada, France and USA. 

I discovered yoga around the same age and my yoga practice became my home away from home ever since.

When I am not doing yoga, I like to paint with acrylics, bike, read, go paddle boarding or enjoy the day somewhere by the water under the sun. 🌞💦

I am also a big fan and encourager of self care rituals like meditating, journaling, spending some alone quality time or indulging in a warm bath with a good book.

I like to consider myself as a passionate, wild, childlike spirit who is always looking to inspire and get inspired.

My top

Here are some of the mindful practices I love the most

If you would like to get to know yourself better and become your own best friend. Venture into one or all of these activities to find out who you really are.

#1 Spend time alone

It’s been proven that spending time with ourselves helps us declutter from the ideas and voices of others, leading us to find and listen to our own voice.

What you do in your alone time is up to you, meditating, organizing, birdwatching, just laying on the floor…you name it.

As long as you are not receiving any external information (like reading, podcasts,tv etc…) that will keep you from connecting and listening to your own thoughts, you will be on the path of self discovery.

Listen to this podcast to know more about this.

#2 journaling

Journaling has become like therapy for me. I’ve got to know myself, observe my patterns, identify my limiting beliefs, and realize the attitude or habits that make me, me.

Soon I’ll be sharing a list with some journaling prompts to help you get started in this self discovery journey.

In the mean time check my IG where I share a few of my journals

#3 connect with your body

By doing any fun and pleasurable activity involving awareness and connection to our body we start to identify the different energy states of our own vessel.

When we connect to our body we become more conscious of the feelings and emotions that go daily through it. We identify what causes them, how they feel, where in our body do we feel them and we learn what to do with those feelings.

This is when yoga comes in handy, if you want to get to know yourself better by taping in with the energies of your body don’t hesitate to reach out and try yoga with me.

Flow with me