A nurturing space to come back home to yourself.

Lauren Wight MBE, owner and creator of LILAU is a passionate, devoted and dedicated Creative Arts Therapist, Yoga & Meditation Practitioner, Holistic Counsellor making real, long lasting transformations, igniting passion for life within others.
Creating a safe and nurturing space for clients to undergo their own personal investigation of their life journey, and offering support, where appropriate and invited, empowering clients to activate their innate wisdom to reclaim self leadership, using successful, creative, self nurturing tools and techniques.

Lauren specialises in working with women and children of all ages and ethnical backgrounds, promoting mental health and well-being.

She is currently taking new clients, offering private Holistic Therapy sessions, Deep Relaxation Skin and Body treatments.
These sessions can include the following:

• Somatic practices
• Breath work/ techniques
• Holistic Counselling
• Massage Therapy
• Green Jade Hot Stone Therapy
• Wood Therapy
• Gua Sha Facials
• Creative Expression practices
• Feminine Soma Yoga
• Yin Yoga
• Music & Sound Therapy
• Kids Art & Yoga Therapy
• Teen Mentoring
• Meditation
• Creative Art & more

Lauren also creates therapeutic spaces for groups classes, workshops and retreats.

Lauren is also devoted to give back to our beautiful planet by giving a percentage of all profits towards planting native trees, not only locally but on a global scale.

By investing in yourself with LILAU you too contribute to the collective protection and preservation of our Earth.

Turn the page to learn more..

A note

from Lauren, Accredited Holistic Therapist with IICT and Mind Body Education.

Hi my name is Lauren and I live in Williamstown in Melbourne, Australia with my family. I am a passionate Artist and Holistic Therapist with a back ground of Somatics, HICAT ( Holistic Integrated Creative Art Therapy), Feminine Soma Yoga, Yin Yoga, Chair Yoga, Meditation, Human Development, Kids Yoga, Holistic Counselling and Massage/Spa Therapies.

An Environmentalist and Herbalist, with a deep love and passion for our Earth, organic living and holding space, for others to reclaim balance and wellbeing for themselves.

With 20 years in the Health and Beauty industry, I worked in many well known day spas, as well as managing my own Day spa and Yoga studio in North East Victoria and have been teaching yoga and holding space for women and pre teen/ teenage children for 5 years now.
Training in the Sacred practice of Feminine Embodied Yoga in Costa Rica with Devashi Shakti as my mentor. Shortly followed by the teachings of Mei Lai Swan in Sound healing & Mantra, and expanding my skills as a Yin Yoga Practitioner with Chinese medicine & Yin mentor, Dr. Karina Smith in Melbourne at AYA at the beginning of 2021.

In early 2022, I completed my Diploma of Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapy with mentor Julie-Anne Salter from the Soul-full Mind College.

Shortly after I completed extra training in Meditation and Human Development, and Holistic Training and Assessment with Mind Body Education and began my teaching career in educating other Holistic Practitioners.

I love the life I live and live each day starting with combinations of creative expression and simple nurturing rituals to vitalise my energy. I move my body in a way that feels good with yoga and dance and invite you to explore your body, using different techniques and ancient wisdom to enhance your mindset and well-being.

Photo Artistry by Jacqui Milverton


“Last Monday at the Healing Garden, I had a Yin Yoga session with Lauren, owner of Lilau. What an awesome, well located and relaxing place to take care of myself. The session was well structured, for any level... It is my second time trying yoga, and this type really helped my back to stretch, and relax... it was slow, easy, and one step at the time... really good experience, recommended for any person looking to help and care for their body. Lauren was great!” Juan 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Naked Embrace -
“Gorgeous Lauren held space for an intimate group of women in a most divine, loving, open and honest way. Her careful preparation and consideration, including room set up, music, ambience was immediately obvious. Naked yoga practice was exhilarating, empowering and liberating – a practice I now would like to integrate into my life. The Creative Art Therapy aspect of the workshop provided an opportunity to connect with creativity, including putting the vivid visualisation generated from the tranquil and transcendent meditation practice that Lauren had led us into to complete our Yoga practice. I was impressed with the memorable representation I had created, that also served to bring to a close such a sacred and beautiful journey and evening. I would do it all again without hesitation.” Nadine 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Elemental Shakti Flow -
“I was fortunate to attend Elemental Shakti Flow Immersion in Jan Juc with Lauren as our guide and facilitator. It was a truly blissful experience.
The journey from start to finish was surreal and a true retreat from everyday reality. The benefits of the retreat remained with me for the week after and beyond. A spark ignited there and I have shared that sensation of pure light energy with everyone I meet. Thank you Lauren.”
Deb 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Art & Cello -
“It was a magical afternoon of bonding with my daughter, painting and laughing and I would love to do this again, even make it a regular practice as I found it deeply therapeutic. The small group was inclusive so it made for an intimate and relaxed experience! Well done Lauren and Lucy!”
Irina 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Naked Embrace -
“I adored my yoga and art night with Lauren. It was exactly what I needed: warm, welcoming, connecting and nurturing. I would leap at the chance to do it again. As an extra treat we were bathed in the vibrations of Lauren’s angelic chanting, a truly glorious experience. Thank you Lauren.
Angela 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Lilau Yoga
“Lauren is an excellent yoga teacher and genuinely lovely person. Her Lilau Yoga class is so gentle but so effective and she gives clear guidance and great attention to each individual. I look forward to more classes, workshops and retreats.” Benett ~ 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Naked Embrace -
“This was such a beautiful, intimate evening of meditation, art and yoga. To peel off the layers without any judgement felt so freeing and natural. Lauren created a beautiful, sacred space full of love, and encouragement of self acceptance. An experience to cherish and totally recommend.”
Tanya 5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Yin Yoga

Calm and balance the mind and body. Improve mobility and maximise vitality.

Yin Yoga is a gentle, slow practice, where we travel deep within ourselves, folding into shapes for anywhere up to 2 to 20 minutes, depending on the needs of your body. With an invitation to use props for support to decrease or intensify sensations in the area of the body that is being targeted to exercise the Yin tissues of the body. Then the tissues are rested for sometime in between each fold.
This practice has a profound affect on the mind and body, increasing qi energy flow, leaving you feeling recharged, rebalanced and truly nurtured.
In each and every nurturing practice, we will explore the meridians of the body, connect deep within ourselves, the Earth and the elements and explore the depths of your creativity. Props, like bolsters and cork blocks are used to increase the intensity of the stretch or used to decrease the intensity for more comfort. Yoga mats and props are provided, however you are so welcome to bring along your own.

From August 5th, 2024
Monday & Wednesday nights from 7pm to 8:15pm at The Healing Garden,
1/139 Nelson Place Williamstown 3016


Feminine Soma

Feminine Soma Yoga ~ For embodied Feminine Wholeness.

Feminine Soma Yoga is a beautiful women’s embodiment yoga practice, weaved together with yin yoga, kundalini, pilates and somatic practice.
Designed for rejuvenating and awakening your feminine body, through the breath, sound, meditative movement, asana, earth and inner connection, deepening your connection with your sensuality, creativity and innate wisdom.
A practice of intentional transformation with emphasis on activation of inner and outer strength for somatic psychology purposes, and at the same time having focus for greater engagement, embodiment, tone and fitness.
A practice of self nourishment suited for women of all ages.

From August 5th, 2024
Monday & Wednesday mornings from 7am & 10am at The Healing Garden,
1/139 Nelson Place Williamstown 3016


Holistic Therapy

Creative Art Therapy & Somatics

Creative Art Therapy is a holistic approach that uses active engagement in a variety of creative arts processes to address mental, emotional, developmental, and behavioural problems, disorders, or issues related to pain or trauma in the body.

As a practitioner I develop trust and safety within the relationship with a client, through the artistic process and use that experience as a powerful force for transformation, building on their own inner strength to reach somatic coherence.
The word Soma means body. The word Somatic means the ability to observe our internal body sensations and feeling connections within the energy centres of the body, and our nervous system.
So when there is Somatic Coherence every aspect of a person is connected in a harmonious order, in other words, cultivating wholeness Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually. Which in turn improves immune function, decreasing stress, improving overall wellness.
‘Therapy’ is commonly understood to be a treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder.
The word ‘disorder’ generally means a state of confusion or chaos.
‘Healing a disorder’ would mean to ‘return the situation to order’ and ‘relieve a disorder’ would mean to ‘bring about respite, through a lessening of, the symptoms or unpleasant reactions caused by the disorder.

Creative Arts Therapy is a multidimensional approach to therapy. It can include art, drawing and painting, craft making, drama, music, somatics, movement, yoga or dance, sound therapy, storytelling, writing or journaling, sculpture and sand-play, or any other activity which engages the person’s creativity, intuition and ability to connect inward. A person is not required to have any artistic ability or experience with somatics to gain the benefits from Creative Art Therapy or Somatic Practice.


What’s happening in September! —

More info & bookings here

Women’s Circle —

More info & bookings here

Upcoming Projects & Workshops

The Wild & Sacred Feminine

A beautiful Women’s Creative Expression Immersion to welcome and embrace her Sacred Wild. No. 3 TBA
Join us on Instagram via the links below.

Other Trainings, Projects and Immersions:

• HICAT Practitioners Training - Williamstown
Commencing 6th March 2024

• The Zen Garden:
Nature-based Therapeutic Workshops - August 10th & 11th 2024 ( more next page)

• The Mind & Body Origami Podcast
( Out NOW on Spotify)

•Womb Song TBA
• The Creative Woman Retreat TBA
• Kanjini Day Retreat TBA
• The Wild and Sacred Ritual Deck
• Yin Alchemy

Past Projects & Immersions:

• Naked Embrace
• Elemental Shakti Flow
• Paint your Oracle
• Art & Cello
• Flow States - Watercolour as Meditation
• Energetic Catharsis
• Luna Love & Becoming A Young Woman

Nature Therapy

The Zen Garden

An invitation to create a presence of love, through mindfulness, self compassion and nourishment, to truly flourish.

Nature Therapy activates all the senses, encouraging mindfulness and aids in decreasing anxiety, stress and depression.

Connection with the earth and soil supports and stimulates the increase of serotonin in the mind and body.
Serotonin is a happy hormone, which increases joy, appreciation and happiness.

Participants learn about the interconnected relationship and cycles they share with nature and deepen their connection with Mother nature and themselves. Learning how to nurture themselves with self compassion, love and nourishment.

Just as a plant needs nourishment from sunlight, soil and water, they too need to be nourished in order for them to grow and move through struggles, in order for them to flourish and bloom.

This therapeutic workshop was woven and inspired by my love of nature, and tending to my own garden, which I call ‘The Zen Garden’. Over the past 3 months, I have had my own struggles, navigating and working through grief, heartache and rage, by getting my hands deep in soil and connecting with the earth, I have been able to move and grow through the most hardest moments of my life and want to share how with others, who may be struggling.

What a therapeutic session includes:

• Learning mindfulness techniques through simple meditation and breathing techniques.

• Creating and potting your own lush
pot of various succulents.

• Connect with others
(small group of max 6 people.)

• Nature art practices.

• Plant & flower medicine.

• Light refreshments & more.

Aug - Saturday 10th
2x session times:
10am to 12pm & 2pm to 4pm
Aug - Sunday 11th
10am to 12pm & 2pm to 4pm

Where: Williamstown, Vic 3016
Private Studio - address released upon booking.

Cost per session: $45

For bookings click the link below.
If there is any problems making a booking via the link, please contact Lauren via email.

Book here

The Creative Woman Retreat

Take a little trip away from the every day, by immersing yourself in nature and learn the wisdom of Feminine Soma Yoga, Yin and Creative Somatic Art therapy practices to increase your wellbeing, calm the mind and nervous system, by reducing stress and vitalise your energy to enhance your life. The Creative Woman, is a small and intimate retreat (4-6 women only) designed for women of all ages to reconnect with their body, Mother Nature and to attune to the creator within, tapping into all the multidimensional layers of their creativity and empowering them to create the life they desire.


Over 3 days, held in a safe, nurturing, non judgemental space, your host Lauren -Somatic Creative Art Therapist and Yoga Practitioner from LILAU, invites you on a journey exploring your inner realm, deeply anchoring within your body, through slow movement practices designed for women’s bodies, as well as dance, yin yoga, meditation, breath work, singing, sound healing and guiding you to unlock your full creative potential with soul nurturing creative art therapy to immerse yourself in, including intuitive painting, art journaling, writing, and clay sculpting.
A unique embodied form of meditation and mindfulness that you can gain knowledge to incorporate into every day life. No prior yoga or art skills are required. You will also spend time reconnecting with the beauty and wonders of nature.

For more information, turn the page.

Retreat Plan

New dates & Location COMING SOON


Airport pick up ( please give details of your flights)
Arrive at: TBD
3:00pm - Check in (Please try to arrive by 4:00pm, also please advise if you can’t)
5:00pm - Meet and Greet and Welcome with Nibbles
6:00pm - Dinner (menu will be supplied closer to the retreat, so you can choose your meals prior)
7:30pm/ 8:00pm - Welcome Ceremony - Meditation and Gentle Yin Yoga Practice
9:00pm/ 9:30pm - Chill time and bed.


7:00am - Female Soma Yoga & Meditation Practice
8:30am - Breakfast
10:00am - Creative Art Therapy
1:00pm - Lunch
2:00pm - Beach time (free time)
5:00pm - Massage slots
6:30pm - Dinner
7:30pm - Yin Yoga & Meditation practice
9:00pm/ 9:30pm Chill time and bed.


7:00am - Female Soma Yoga & Meditation Practice
8:30am - Breakfast
10:00am - Free time/ Creative Art or
Massage: slots available- 10:00am, 10:45am, 11:30am
12:00pm - Lunch
1:00pm - Check out and Airport drop off

Please note that if you choose to sit out of any of the practices, that’s ok but there won’t be any refund for them. Please also advise of any dietary requirements or any illnesses or back issues we need to be aware of.
Also we advise to get refundable plane tickets if you are travelling interstate. Just in case for any reason the retreat is canceled, you will be able to refund your tickets.

Photo Artistry by Jacqui Milverton