공유할 소셜 미디어 링크입니다~
oh heyy, there are some links below for my socials. Click it if youre into it~
- discord server
you'll be invited to my discord server. The server is random, some of us are artist, gamer, and many else! Theres a lot of bots that you can play, such as dank memer, owo bots, and poketwo
- instagram
there will be 2 instagram link, personal and public.
- spotify
there are 3 spotify link, two of it will be my playlist and the other will be my profile. I usually use the "chill" for studyy. Tbh, i never used the "luv luv" playlist before, not bc i dislike it, it just bc i love the "chill" playlist sm
well, i guess thats it for the descriptive. Hope you enjoyy