Exploring our preschool
I absolutely love capturing the learning moments where children say "wow" and " I did it!" its such a beautiful moment and a huge milestone, and they get to really dive into learning. As a teacher, those moments mean everything. I captured some adorable little explorers during work session, music class, circle time, and outside playtime!
Our reading corner
Little Explorers Montessori has a comfy and fun reading corner that is very loved and is accompanied by a handmade tree made by Mrs. Jocelyn!
Showing kindness to nature friends
At Little Explorers Montessori, teaching children kindness and compassion is so important . I feel the world needs a little more kindness, and it starts with our little critter and animal friends.
Spindle box
The spindle box teaches children number sequence and quantity.
Pink tower
The pink tower teaches spatial awareness and fine motor skills.
Outside fun
Bubble fun!
Sound boxes
Presents sounds to children to encourage early readers.
Apple cutting work
Builds independecy by teaching children how to prepare their own snacks.
Number tracing with sand
Encourages number recognition and sensory development.
Mystery bag
Children use their senses to discover what each object is inside.
Binomial cube
The binomial cube is a way for a child to use dexterity and visual acuity.
Yoga class
It's a fun way to stretch and get some movement into your body!
Music class
During music class children get to learn and explore instruments as well as sounds and learn how to read music notes.
Arts and crafts
We love arts and crafts at our preschool and have theme based crafts every week.
Clothespin work
Develops fine motor skills.
Mystery bag
Sensory work.
Morning play time sessions
Play time sessions during morning drop offs are very important in a montessori classroom because it teaches children how to interact with one another and helps build confidence and relationships, it also helps children expand their imagination through play with their peers.
Recognizing sounds
It helps develop sound and picture recognition.