Hey There👋🏼

My name is Amanda!

Quick little intro about me: I am a mom of five who loves all things healthy and holistic 🪴

I started my transition to a healthier lifestyle 10 years ago and it completely changed my life! Now, I spend my time helping other people make safer and healthier choices in their lives without breaking the bank.

👉🏼Every single swap to safer we make in our lives counts and will reduce your toxic load.
👉🏼Pick ONE place to start and don’t let it overwhelm you, you can always explore other areas to transition when you feel comfortable with the one you’ve completed.

Please browse around as I have linked all of my discount codes, my tips and guides right here 👩‍💻

Swipe for my links! 👉🏼

Shop my favorites +

Discount Codes For You!

These are my favorite brands that I use, love and am excited to partner with to bring you discounts. All the links I share are affiliates so if you shop through them I will earn a commission at no charge to you.

Air Doctor Pro - Air Purifier

An air purifier is a device that cleans the air and helps remove contaminants that cause poor air quality. By doing this, it improves the indoor air quality. Use my link for $300 off your purchase!

Molly’s Suds Nontoxic Laundry Products

Say hello to the most high performing, clean, husband approved and kid friendly laundry products! I’ve used them for years and LOVE the quality and how long everything lasts my large family.

Nontoxic Purple Shampoo by Kavella

Y’all! This purple shampoo changed my life. It’s the only purple shampoo I’ve found that’s clean and actually gives those those icy tones 🤩

DYI Yogawear 🧘‍♂️

This is my favorite brand of yoga leggings and sports bras! I wear them pretty much daily because they are so comfortable and high quality!

Primally Pure - Palo Santo Collection

I LOVE palo santo and its health benefits. Read all about it and purchase from my favorite brand and try it for yourself.

Lucky and Lovely Shop

Curated and personalized swag for women on a mission!

RiseWell Nontoxic Toothpaste

Nontoxic toothpaste world is hard to navigate. We choose RiseWell because it’s the only nontoxic toothpaste that protects your teeth like flouride would without the toxic chemicals.

Wedderspoon Manuka Honey

I am a big honey snob bexauee my Dad was a beekeeper so growing up I had the best of the best. When Wedderspoon Manuka entered my life it took my honey up a notch because of the holistic properties of Manuka itself. Now we use their gummies, lollipops, cough drops and squeeze jars.

Beauty By Earth Products

I LOVE these nontoxic beauty products. Some of my favorites are the sunless Tanner + application mitt, jade and rose quartz rollers and the gausha tool for drainage and lymphatic massage.

Weekly Walk Through Planner

I cannot live without my planner. It’s how I keep all the moving parts of my life and businesses organized. This one by the Weekly Walk Through has been so helpful that I grabbed a new one for 2021-2022 ✨

HUM Nutrition Vitamins

I LOVE these fully customizable vitamins and supplements. I take them every single day. Go to their website to take a quiz that will customize your own mix with the link below.

Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces + Bracelets

These are a MUST have for all my babies. They help me make it through teething because when applied directly on their skin, it acts as a pain receptor for their tooth pain.

Gemstone Pop Sockets

These are absolutely gorgeous! Grab one with my 10% off code below!

Premama Wellness

Do you want energy without all the crazy ingredients? Say hello to my fav pregnancy and nursing safe energy booster + milk supply booster.

Perfect Supplements

This is where I purchase my collagen for hair regrowth post partum + healthy skin and nails. They also make a great matcha powder and açaí power I use to make smoothies.

Elderberry Syrup Kits

Elderberries are packed full of nutrients like iron, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, B, and C. Elderberry syrup boosts your immune system enough to fight off colds and the flu!

Grove Collaborative

Grove Collaborative is a customizable auto-shipment service that delivers all the products straight to your door! Their aim is to make living a healthy lifestyle easy and accessible for you and your family. I use their website once or twice a month to order products for my family and household.