Live And Witness

Where we love Jesus and spread the Gospel in WrshipSpirit&Truth

“The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭19‬:‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

(You’ve Been) Compromised

Consecration Over Comfort

STOP 🛑 Bringing Halloween into the Church ⛪️

Need Prayer?

Send us your prayer request, and we will pray for and over you via e-mail or DM!

About The Journey to Witness

Building a City of Refuge for the Lost & Chosen (SoCal)

In 2021, God gave the both of us a visions of a ministry and a church He has called us to start. It would be over the following year that He further developed the vision, the location, the people, and our mission. While Witness will grow to be a worldwide ministry serving and bringing hundreds of thousands souls back to Christ, we are beginning the journey in Southern California.

We are partnering with God to build a safe place for the Lost to be invited in with love, the sick at heart and mind to be nursed and cared for, giving a home to the home-less, and serving everyone that enters with the love of Christ.

For the Chosen, some of the greatest minds and creatives who may not know they were created to serve the kingdom, but they will soon find out that God has Chosen them to stand out and represent for the Kingdom of Heaven.

Ideas and visions that He has planted in the hearts and minds of individuals that the world would not understand, these creatives will now have a safe and supportive place to create, work, and collaborate to make the visions reality. Hearts have a place to be healed. Faith and trust in the insurmountable power of God will have a place to be nurtured and nourished.

And last, but not least, the Lost & Chosen will have a place of peace to learn more about the gospel, grow in discipleship, be baptized, as well as minister to one another as the Great Commission of Jesus Christ moves forward to fulfill the Word of God.

How You Can Help?
Share our YouTube page. Live & Witness.
Share our Instagram posts. @live.and.witness
Shop at our store, 100% of profits go towards building this ministry. WLDRNSZN Apparel.
Give (sowing) monetarily.
All links are on the next page. ➡️

To understand more about our vision for a “City of Refuge” here in Southern California, please take a moment to read here: We thank you and pray for you each individually and collectively for partnering with us and following us as we follow Christ. With the love of Jesus Christ, until next time!

Ant & Cee

Click here to Partner with Witness City of Refuge OC

Prepare for the Journey

Worship through your WLDRNSZN, your Promise is on the other side (Deut 8)

Read with Us

Books by Live & Witness

“ReRouted, Not Rejected” x Cierra N. Love Holt

“No Way Out: A Promise Not Meant to be Broken” x Cierra N. Love Holt feat. Ant.Scott

“On the Wall: Preparing to Build for God’s Kingdom” x Ant.Scott

“ReRouted, Not Rejected”

The GPS that never fails… “God’s Positioning System” will have you right where He wants you. In isolation, reassessing your identity, crying out for clarity, doing anything in the name of your purpose, and questioning instructions and directions from conflicting maps.

But His sheep know His voice and the voice of a stranger, they will not follow. It’s only up to you to decide will you quickly obey in faith or hold back in fear.

“No Way Out”

The Promise Not Meant to be Broken… A love-filled romance, quickly separated by emotions, perversion, adultery, and everything else the enemy could throw at this marriage. But God stepped in and reclaimed it as His own.

Be encouraged, what you see does not cancel out what God says about your marriage. Take it to Him and leave it there for His will to be done.

On the Wall (based on the Book of Nehemiah)

The purpose of this manuscript is to prepare God's people for the undertaking that lies ahead. I believe that God is calling His children, His REMNANT, to a place to prepare the way for Him, for things He still wants to do in the Earth, and calling us to a place of Promise to execute this. This promise for many of us is something that has yet to be realized or come to fruition for generations, as those before either did not heed the call or were too fearful to embark on the journey. He has anointed and appointed us for such a time (Esther 4:14). This "work" is as much physical and mental as it is spiritual.

While I want to make the text as relevant and applicable to today's believers as much as possible, I want to ensure that it is rooted in scripture and connection with The Holy Spirit. In an attempt to make things appealing or comprehensible for "modern day Christians", we can sometimes lose, misquote, and even manipulate His words to fit our own narrative and agenda; it is not my desire to do so. "On the Wall " is a call to arms, an alarm calling for God's people to gather, collaborate, and join together to do a great work in the Earth for God's Kingdom.