Michiko Riezz
Creat the life you dream of...
Coach | Investor | Networker
Hey! I'm Michiko, 39 years old originally from Philadelphia but I live in Germany.
I've been Coaching for over 14 years. I started investing just for myself and family in 2017.
During the pandemic and first lockdown last year. A lot of my clients lost there jobs or had income deductions from their salaries. I felt it was my duty to help. So I got more involved in the crypto currency Investment plattform. I searched for a way for them to make money online. In the process.
I learned a skillset where I don’t trade time for money, instead I’ll make my money work for me!
As Warren Buffett once said, " If you don't find a way to make Money while you sleep, you work until you die"
Getting involved in the financial markets: Blockcain, Crypto, Stocks and on top doing affiliate marketing to help other like minded people to change their life as well!
Earn while you learn:
Obviously you’re not a pro when you start. For this we’re leveraging experts to send us signals, that we can copy and paste to make profits while we’re learning the skillset. It's as Simple as it sounds!
Giving you instructions how to change your life, being personally mentored by me and create an online income through multiple income streams and manifest all you ever wanted.
Dm me on Instagram @lovecoach.michiko or on
Telegram https://t.me/LLB_Michiko
to find out more or fill out the form below.
• 18+
• Hungry to change your life
• Coachable
• Dedicated