Who Is she?

An in depth description of who am I and what I offer

Hey there! My name is Larissa Dali, an artist, healer, and storyteller with over a decade of experience in the acting biz. Through this journey, I've immersed myself in an array of training, including nervous system regulation and breathing techniques, which have become the foundation for my diverse skills.

Beyond the spotlight, I've explored the opposite side of entertainment as an exotic dancer, gaining invaluable insights into reading people, holding space, and meeting their needs in the present moment. This has deeply transformed my perspective on life, fostering personal growth and empathy.

My dedication to healing and guiding others extends into various realms. I'm currently engaged in a facilitator program for Plant Medicines, utilizing their transformative power to hold space and guide people through profound journeys of self-discovery.

In addition to that, I've been passionately studying Magick and metaphysics, tapping into the mystical aspects of reality. I've discovered my ability to channel and play in the quantum, allowing me to explore the limitless possibilities of existence.

My goal is to help individuals connect with their highest frequency in this lifetime. I believe in empowering others to realize their innate capacity to create and play in the quantum realm. Guiding people towards self-awareness, healing, and liberation is at the core of my mission.

Through certifications in NLP, Reiki, Time Techniques, FIRES method, and other somatic modalities, I help individuals drop into their bodies, access their innate wisdom, and elevate their life experiences.

Sexuality, tantra, inner child work, and trauma healing are also important aspects of my journey, allowing me to dive deep into the layers of human experience. I use these profound understandings to connect individuals with their authentic desires and explore the truth about who they are.

As a firm believer that the mind is designed to be a passenger while the body is the true decision-maker, I embrace the principles of human design. I trust my instincts and intuition, living in alignment with my splenic nature and the truth of the present moment.

My ultimate vision is to weave all my knowledge, experiences, and talents into new forms of storytelling and media. I aim to create healing centers, communities, courses, programs, and retreats, offering safe spaces for people to express their sexuality, creativity, and self-discovery.

Through this next chapter of my life, I continue to explore humanity and using my own experiences as a guide as well as enjoying my trials and tribulations, for they are a part of what make me who i am. I'm excited to share this journey with others, encouraging them to tune into their bodies and embrace themselves authentically.

I'm committed to stepping into my power and “leveling up” to reach more people. I'm determined to help individuals live their truth, free from societal expectations, and embrace their authentic selves. Let's create and play in the quantum together, guiding each other to higher frequencies and fulfilling lives.

Are you ready to explore?