Love With Lari

The Essence of my purpose is to shine gracefully, even in the darkness.

My name Larissa has many meanings in different cultures. In Greece Larissa translated to “Citadel” meaning “Protector of a fortress”. In Latin, Larissa translates to “Cheerful”.

I have felt the power in my name all my life and I am grateful to feel I fulfill this with my family, loved ones, and myself.
As a human on this earth plane, I feel all the emotions that we label and good and bad. In my reality, I have the power to choose which feelings stay in my being.
I like to believe we all have this power and that the very reason for my existence is to remind those who are ready, to get in touch with this power.

Ultimately the goal is to bring this power back to the youth and implement individualized self development to the curriculum they are learning in schools. As a result we will have many empowered individuals in touch with themselves and their purpose- for the advancement of humanity. If this vision is something you’d like to see or you are interested in doing the internal work please text me @516-494-9896 or email me I look forward to providing tools you can use to elevate your frequency bringing more love and light into your life. ✨❤️✨

Love over everything.

Do you know your purpose?

The highest frequency on this earth plane, is love. Everyone has a purpose, and collectively, we are all here to rise to that frequency. To love unconditionally. To feel and be felt.

The word LOVE has been watered down, commercialized and mishandled. It isn’t always pretty and there is a whole side of love that brings challenging feelings but that doesn’t change that it is love, and felt with the essence of our inner world.

My goal is to spread more love. To bring it to the core of every decision, every conversation, every act. Through practice I have learned that the only way to love others authentically is to love yourself first. Create boundaries, meet your own needs before looking outward to be fulfilled, and love yourself enough to do the work to heal whatever it is blocking from giving yourself the love you deserve. Healing looks different on everyone and there is so much beauty in that.

I am here to tell you that there is a way, a tool, a practice out there that can assist you in reaching the frequency that makes life worth living. I love to connect, share and to witness growth. You attract what you are. It’s not just about your thoughts. It’s about how your thoughts make you feel! Are you ready to open a new chapter? Are you ready to cleanse/make room for all the blessings destined for you?

Let’s connect. You can find my number and email below. Reach out introducing yourself with an idea of what your intentions are for your self development. I look forward to being of service to you, a citizen of the world.

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Where to start?!

*where my journey blossomed*

With trials and tribulations of reacting to life, living in the past or anxiously participating in the future. I have learned to live in the NOW. I have Eckhart Tolle to thank for that through his book, The Power Of Now.
One night I came across a documentary that can be found on Amazon Prime called Heal. It completely changed my outlook on life and gave me the power I knew I had- to my conscious mind. I have never looked back.

Currently I am learning everyday about different healing modalities with the intention of impacting lives, who will then impact more lives. The goal is to multiply the intention of love and break the cycles that we and our families have been living in for longer than we can date back to.