Summer coloring tutorial
Step 1 : go to 24FPS and add the filter lush to ur video QR code on next page just ss
Step 2 : then go to ultralight and press edit and go to the triangle copy these settings : clarity - 3 sharpen : - 10 emphasize: - 3 noise : - 10 and select save over
Step 3 : finally go to prequel go to effects and select the effect sparkles and copy these settings : star intensity : 100 star scale : 9 star rotation : 25 filter 0
Next go to filters and select porcelain : filter 70 finally go to adjusts and copy these settings  ↓
Exposure : 10
Contrast : -50
Highlights : 50
Shadows : 50
Saturation : 16
Vibrance : 22
Mist : 15
Dehaze : -12
Blur : 25 - 50
And ur done !