Lucia Tường Vy NguyễnProjects & ResourcesHidden Beginnings — Sydney Writers’ Festival MEAA Members in solidarity with PalestineL*ve P*em for MÌNH at FCMG 💘 Fairfield City Museum & Gallery // MÌNHOuter Space Brisbane // Reina Brigette Takeuchi: Ōranges & other offeringsDorcas Tang 邓佳颖 : Love Me Long Time // PublicationWoollahra Digital Literary AwardHungry Ghosts, Part 1SomoS Arts Berlin // RE—LIMINAL // Against DisappearanceArt Collector // Artist Profile on Mechelle Bounpraseuth Soft Stir // Goodnight, Queen of DreamsGoing Down Swinging / Not Your Miss or Madame: A Three-Act Meditation on Love, Opera and FriendshipThe Writing Zone 2021 Chapbook // A Hill To Lie OnCompound Butter // Ladies Always Mind Their Manna(s)Voiceworks // Siren Bird SongDeiFY // Hồ Girl SummerKill Your Darlings // Dear DairyRunway // Tell Me The Story, (The off-key Greek chorus of my favourite Classics Twitter bots)Close isn’t Home // March Winds CollaborationPhilament // ‘Damnatio ad Bestias’; or, Condemnation to Beasts: The Digital as AnimalThe Isle is Peopled: Shakespeare & Silent HillGentle Oriental’s ‘We Are Still Here’ zineEmail me ~ 💌