Welcome To My Milkshake Website😊
please give cc and tc to: chrscores
snow filter you can find it on spring section
Open Alight Motion press the add project, make sure the project you added is 9:16. Press the layer and press duplicate layer and then press the layer u just added and press blending and opacity, and then press subtract make it to 50% and then add the box thingy make it to the whole video make the color into white and then make it to full screen and then press blending and opacity press contrast and then press overlay then press the other overlay effects: gaussian blur: 200%
exposure: -10
highlights: -35
shadows: +50
contrast: -30
saturation: +40
vibrance: +40
warmth: -30
sharpen: +50
saturation: +100
vibrance: +100
temperature: -100
sharpen: +25
blur: +50
kidcore: +15
effects: diamond: intensity: 100 scale: 4 rotation: 0 filter: 0
fonts I use:
Pink Chicken