Journey of my soul
Who am I?
A mother with a baby boy & one on the way.
A woman who adores the little things in life & strives to learn everything that intrigues me...
... Along my journey, I have undergone many transformations. A few years ago I lost the man I loved for 10 years to a car accident. Little did I know, my whole perspective on life would be turned on it's axis.
Before he passed, I didnt have a yearning to understand GOD. I was heavily implanted in this physical world & operated according to society around me.
I didn't believe in a higher power or unseen forces. That ALL CHANGED the night I lost him. I had a inner knowing my love was going to die before he did, it was felt with every fiber of my being. God/the Universe quickly showed me there was more to this existence than I could humanly sense.
On that night, I felt a sense of urgency to locate him. I called a police station and was told nothing. Five minutes later, that same police station ringed my phone.... I already knew the earth-shattering news I was going to hear... A policeman gave me confirmation he had passed in a terrible car accident. I was heart broken, in emotional agony, in shock of all those things I felt and heard...
I couldn't comprehend living life without him.
I lost what felt like my entire world that evening. On Mother's Day - May 13, 2018.
As hard as it was, that premonition kept me in Awh and sent me on a path of awakening. I started to understand that event was a catalyst for my spiritual growth and wisdom.
A bigger purpose...
To wake me up. To wake me up to the fact that life isn't always what it seems. To show me I could 'see' beyond my ordinary senses. To give me a glimpse into my own Soul.
God was ready to remove the veils that have been blinding me for 27 years.
It felt as though I was hit with an earthquake of awakening, I just didn't have any clue as to what it was yet. I quickly started understanding things easier, faster, and in greater depth. It is like a sudden switch ignited an unused part of my brain for the first time. I was sent down a mysterious rabbit hole to understand who & what I am. That is ever changing and evolving.
I am a spiritual being having a human experience. To love, to share, to witness, and to assist other earthly souls like myself to a better sense of peace from within.
I am a simple woman but one who loves to learn an array of subjects, embrace practical things, and share my knowledge with others. I love the complexities of life, too. I enjoy learning how us humans think, act, and feel.
I love ALL things - as all things ARE connected. We ARE ALL ONE.
Let me take it down a notch....
I am a thrifter. Money saver. Couponer. Saleswoman. Business Developer. Product reviewer and so much more!
I enjoy learning to garden, ferment food, and practice self sufficiency. I am growing to appreciate Mother Earth, what she has to offer us, and get back to my roots as a human being - something we all have lost along the way.
I am currently venturing into the world of saving money and product testing - making sure I review products honeslty and always share with others what cool stuff I receive. I am new to social media but am learning and look forward to connecting with others who share my desire to learn all the cool loopholes in life 😊
I feel as though a part of my life mission is to uplift others and give a helping hand - even if that means sharing a post that could help a wandering soul.
I will list all the websites and apps I use to save money, gain free stuff, discounts and more!
Feel free to check out my flowpage link below - I am ALWAYS updating it with freebies, sample sites, cash back apps, and sources to win free stuff!