Journey of my soul

Who am I?

A mother with a baby boy & one on the way.
A woman who adores the little things in life & strives to learn everything that intrigues me...

... Along my journey, I have undergone many transformations. A few years ago I lost the man I loved for 10 years to a car accident. Little did I know, my whole perspective on life would be turned on it's axis.

Before he passed, I didnt have a yearning to understand GOD. I was heavily implanted in this physical world & operated according to society around me.

I didn't believe in a higher power or unseen forces. That ALL CHANGED the night I lost him. I had a inner knowing my love was going to die before he did, it was felt with every fiber of my being. God/the Universe quickly showed me there was more to this existence than I could humanly sense.

On that night, I felt a sense of urgency to locate him. I called a police station and was told nothing. Five minutes later, that same police station ringed my phone.... I already knew the earth-shattering news I was going to hear... A policeman gave me confirmation he had passed in a terrible car accident. I was heart broken, in emotional agony, in shock of all those things I felt and heard...
I couldn't comprehend living life without him.

I lost what felt like my entire world that evening. On Mother's Day - May 13, 2018.

As hard as it was, that premonition kept me in Awh and sent me on a path of awakening. I started to understand that event was a catalyst for my spiritual growth and wisdom.

A bigger purpose...

To wake me up. To wake me up to the fact that life isn't always what it seems. To show me I could 'see' beyond my ordinary senses. To give me a glimpse into my own Soul.

God was ready to remove the veils that have been blinding me for 27 years.

It felt as though I was hit with an earthquake of awakening, I just didn't have any clue as to what it was yet. I quickly started understanding things easier, faster, and in greater depth. It is like a sudden switch ignited an unused part of my brain for the first time. I was sent down a mysterious rabbit hole to understand who & what I am. That is ever changing and evolving.

I am a spiritual being having a human experience. To love, to share, to witness, and to assist other earthly souls like myself to a better sense of peace from within.

I am a simple woman but one who loves to learn an array of subjects, embrace practical things, and share my knowledge with others. I love the complexities of life, too. I enjoy learning how us humans think, act, and feel.

I love ALL things - as all things ARE connected. We ARE ALL ONE.

Let me take it down a notch....

I am a thrifter. Money saver. Couponer. Saleswoman. Business Developer. Product reviewer and so much more!

I enjoy learning to garden, ferment food, and practice self sufficiency. I am growing to appreciate Mother Earth, what she has to offer us, and get back to my roots as a human being - something we all have lost along the way.

I am currently venturing into the world of saving money and product testing - making sure I review products honeslty and always share with others what cool stuff I receive. I am new to social media but am learning and look forward to connecting with others who share my desire to learn all the cool loopholes in life 😊

I feel as though a part of my life mission is to uplift others and give a helping hand - even if that means sharing a post that could help a wandering soul.

I will list all the websites and apps I use to save money, gain free stuff, discounts and more!

Feel free to check out my flowpage link below - I am ALWAYS updating it with freebies, sample sites, cash back apps, and sources to win free stuff!

Sources for you to check out!

Don't sleep on this app!

After you download the app and use referral code FEDHM3R you will start with 200 points.
Points are accumulated by scanning your shopping receipts [and referrals!]

Once your ReceiptJar points reach 1000, you can cash out with a $5 gift card reward to your choice of stores.

Receipts earn points based on the total amount spent with larger totals being worth more.
Below $10                    5 points
Between $11 - $50       10 points
Between $51 - $100    15 points
Over $100                     20 points

They accept receipts from over 11,000 of your daily shops and restaurants.

You can sync online accounts and submit online receipts.

There is a Golden Jar every week that gives you extra points as well. As long as you are active in the app, you will be guaranteed bonus points.

This app is one of the easiest I have found of the Receipt Scanning Apps. This one is simple and it delivers.

Become an Influenster

What is it? Why Join?

INFLUENSTER is an online community where consumers share reviews, experiences, and opinions of literally ANYTHING! WHAT ELSE? YOU GET FREE PRODUCTS MAILED TO YOUR DOOR!


After signing up, (scroll down to get download link) enter your profile information and preferences [VERY IMPORTANT] - this ensures you are exposed to products for campaigns you will be interested to participate in.

Be sure to interact with the community, gain and get followers, ask questions, share reviews on things you already have (just search in search bar at top of app) with others - then Influenster will start sending you Surveys for a VoxBox!! [So cool]

I have received a total of 9 'VoxBox' deliveries and I have only been on Influenster for a few months!

Increase your chances for VoxBox Campaigns by volunteering in CashBack Campaigns. You can receive Up to a Full reimbursement for the specific product they need feedback on.

For example - I had a NextMilk Cashback Campaign on my Campaigns List in the app. I entered, followed the instructions by purchasing NextMilk, then submitted my receipt for full reimbursement - received through PayPal.

There is so much more to this App and community I would love to share.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to email me personally (provided below)

👉👉Join me on Influesnter and follow me @luminarysampler

Influenster App

Do you love reviewing products? Do you love receiving free products? Do you love hearing feedback from others? This Influenster Community is your new favorite App!

Free Hair Products! Ouidad VoxBox

My Ouidad VoxBox is one of my favorite. These are quality hair products for wavy and curly hair. I was fortunate enough to be chosen to receive this for free in exchange for my honest review! I have a few weeks to test the products and then share my feedback!

One of my first Free VoxBox products!

Check out my Revlon VoxBox review on Instagram and see how you get to use products and share your experiences with everyone!