Basic Outfit always a good idea!
Shopee BajuBajuMingceu
ZARA oversized Shirt
Bahan tebal, tidak terawang, cocok untuk hijab juga ✨
Basic Outfit always a good idea!
Bahan tebal, tidak terawang, cocok untuk hijab juga ✨
Perfect size, bold color ❣️
Promo under 100K
Celana ternyaman ❣️
I wear size L
Skincare schedule
Monday, Thursday : Exfoliation (AHA, BHA)
Tuesday, Wednesday : Antioksidan (Vitamin C)
Friday-Sunday : Anti Aging (Retinol)
Pengganti vitc avoskin
Tekstur : kinda like gel, i like❣️
After taste : cepet meresap, gak sumuk. Dan bikin muka cerah. I only use it for day serum
Tekstur : oil liquid
After Taste : lagi lagi hayejin, wanginya the best, gak bikin kering, bahkan ku pake buat cucu rambut (keramas) ❣️
Love at first sight!
Tekstur : milky lotion
After taste : suka banget, langsung kerasa bikin lembab, cepat meresap, dan wanginya yah tuhan ❣️
No debat bakal pake terus, toner yang paling keliatan effect at this time
Tekstur : thick cream
After taste : gak lengket, cepat meresap, gak bikin sumuk. Comfort tesktur dan bikin lembab banget ❣️
Tesktur : gel hijau bening, sedikit foam
After taste : i like it. Gak bikin kering setelah cucu muka, will consider to repeat the purchase
Tesktur : gel bening dan foamy
After taste : paling suka pake face wash gel, but this one makes may skin a little bit dry, tp tetep diabisin 🤣
Tekstur : light lotion
After taste : cepat meresap, gak lengket sama sekali, dan setiap pakai ini jerawat mateng trus kering. Love it ❣️
My first retinol!
Tekstur : milky lotion, with scent kind of retinol
After taste : cepat meresap, tdk tingling dan gak bikin muka kering
Tekstur : Thick Lotion, cepat meresap
After taste : cepat meresap gak lengket sama sekali
Smell so gewd, makes you want to use more 🙃
Tekstur : gel bening
After taste : sedikit lengket, but goes well with next step product
Worth to try
Tekstur : gel, light sangat. My fave!
After taste : very hydrating, cepat meresap. Mata sembab langsung gone
Tekstur : rich cream, very thick
After taste : cream thick tp lsg melt begitu nempel dikulit. Cepat meresap gak lengket atau sumuk sama sekali
Very very relaxing smell ❣️
Tekstur : thick, creamy
After taste : dewy, glowy, gak lengket, gak sumuk, ada tone up tp bukan whitecast