Hey, I’m Madi

Reconnect with real, good life.

I’m a wife to Kyle and mom to Mallory + Tennessee.
I am passionate about savoring simple everyday life and helping other women break the chains of over working and under living.

About 5 years ago, our life was instagram perfect and all was happening exactly the way everyone said it "should". High school sweethearts, remodeled home, dream jobs, with a healthy, newborn baby girl. Pretty quickly though, the dream didn’t feel the way I thought it would.

I couldn’t keep up. Between juggling life as a new mom, the modern standards for motherhood, and the speed at which the world was moving. I felt lost and overwhelmed.

But when I looked at my daughter, I saw everything that was good and beautiful in creation. I wanted her to be exactly who God made her to be. I didn't want her to live for the things of this world, like money + approval, keeping up with the Joneses, and outward appearances. I wanted to protect that intrinsic motivation for her in its pure, raw form. And so I realized I better start living my life this way.

The motherly instinct to protect my children’s childhood as a sacred, magical, ever so short, and uniquely valuable experience is what inspired me to change. What started as a tactic to get my house in order has overflowed into all the parts of our life and has become a tool to help us figure out what really matters to us.

Wholehearted is the culmination of everything I've learned in the process of slowing down and simplifying my life and home. This is the course I wish I had as a new mom, stressed and overwhelmed by the weight of too much and not sure how to get back to sweet, peaceful, manageable life, that is truly life.

If this sounds refreshing, but you’re not sure how to start. I created this course for you. I can’t wait to walk with you towards a simpler, more meaningful life.