Sharing our life and an incredible online opportunity

Make Your Own Path

Hi, we’re Anna + Pete, nice to meet you 💫
We’re from England, but currently travelling in a landrover and roof tent with our two dogs.

Since the age of 16 we’ve both worked full time feeling unfulfilled and living for the weekend. We explored Canada in 2018 and ever since dreamt about travelling freely however and whenever we choose.

Not so long ago we came across an incredible opportunity that allows us to work online and get paid to share what we’re passionate about… travel, adventure and mindset all from a phone or laptop, from anywhere in the world!
We felt sceptical at first and hardly ever used social media, but knew we needed something that could support our travels and allow us to spend every day with each other.
No way did we want to work until we’re 65 and only go on holiday once a year so something had to change.
We saw the benefits of a business that allows us to live and share our passions, whilst promoting true health and instantly wanted to be a part of it.

We’re now looking to help other people make a serious life change too. We share all of our journey and experiences online in the hope we can not only inspire others but help you follow your passions and live a more fulfilled life.

If you resonate with any of this please read on >>

Online business opportunity

What we do

We’re a community dreamers, digital nomads and entrepreneurs who guide and support likeminded souls into becoming entrepreneurs and setting up their own freedom business.
If you want to spend more time with your family, pets, more time to travel, explore new places, be your own boss or just quit the 9-5 so you can spend every day doing something your passionate about, there is a community waiting to welcome you in.

Not sure what your passionate about? That’s ok, we have a full discovery process to help you find your passions so that you can live and share them through your social media. Most of us partner with a 50 year old international company as independent marketers and distributors. This gives us complete time and location freedom meaning it can be done from anywhere in the world.
It’s all down to you and the effort you put in. More effort means more results and personal growth.

We’re huge advocates for personal development, so any areas of your life that you’re struggling with we can help you get on a journey to push forward and get past your struggles which can be transformative in itself.

If you’re ready to start living life on your own terms, we can help and guide you and show you how we’re able to do what we love whilst making an income.

Below we have an introduction video to the opportunity made by my mentor, @freeroamingsuzy. It’s there so you can get more of a feel for who we are and what we do.

Please leave me your details so we can connect! There’s no pressure whatsoever, but if you’ve read this far it would be so good to get to know you


Suzy’s Introduction Video

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